The 13th Kyoto University International Symposium “New Horizons of Academic Visual-Media Practices”
Visual Media in Astronomy and Astrophysics Kazunari Shibata (Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
- Bio-Logging Science: Through the Lens of Wildlife
Katsufumi Sato (Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo University)
Dec. 13, 2009 22:29 English
- Antarctic Biology from Penguinʼs-Eye View
Akinori Takahashi (National Institute of Polar Research)
Dec. 13, 2009 22:29 English
- Ecology of Sea Turtle through Bio-Logging and Video Image Data
Junichi Okuyama (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
Dec. 13, 2009 19:21 English
- Animal-Borne Video Recorders as a Method for Studying Marine Life
Randall William Davis (Gatty Marine Research Institute, Texas A&M University)
Dec. 13, 2009 46:26 English
- Visual Media in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kazunari Shibata (Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
Dec. 13, 2009 16:03 English
- The Dynamic Sun
Hiroaki Isobe (Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space, Kyoto University)
Dec. 13, 2009 22:13 English
- The Synra Dome and the Science Live Show “UNIVERSE”
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute)
Dec. 13, 2009 20:20 English
- The Digital Universe 3D Atlas Connection to a World of Shared Content
Carter Emmart (American Museum of Natural History)
Dec. 13, 2009 32:49 English
- The Meaning of Japanese Cultural Computing
Naoko Tosa (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
Dec. 13, 2009 18:47 English
- Visual Data Mining Environment for Cultural Information
Koji Koyamada (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
Dec. 13, 2009 18:05 English
- Comparison of Western and Eastern Cultures in Cultural Computing
Ryouhei Nakatsu (National University of Singapore)
Dec. 13, 2009 26:07 English
- Year/Term
- 2009
- Date
- December 11th to December 13th, 2009
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Others
- Language
- English
- Place
- Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
Friday, December 11, 2009
Opening Ceremony
0 Koji Tanaka (Symposium Organizer, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Session I: Visual Image Performed by Marine Creatures
1 Katsufumi Sato (Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo University)
Bio-Logging Science: Through the Lens of Wildlife Video
2 Akinori Takahashi (National Institute of Polar Research)
Antarctic Biology from Penguinʼs-Eye View Video
3 Junichi Okuyama (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
Ecology of Sea Turtle through Bio-Logging and Video Image Data Video
4 Randall William Davis (Gatty Marine Research Institute, Texas A&M University)
Animal-Borne Video Recorders as a Method for Studying Marine Life Video
Session II: Human Brain Research and Visual Images
5 Gregory Sorensen (Martinos Bioimaging Center, Harvard Medical School) *Video Remote System
6 Denis Le Bihan (Human Brain Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University / Director, Neurospin, CEA, France)
The Crystal Skull : Looking into the Brain with Neuroimaging
Session III: Outer Space as a Visual Space
7 Kazunari Shibata (Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
Visual Media in Astronomy and Astrophysics Video
8 Hiroaki Isobe (Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space, Kyoto University)
The Dynamic Sun Video
9 Toshikazu Ebisuzaki (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute)
The Synra Dome and the Science Live Show “UNIVERSE” Video
10 Carter Emmart (American Museum of Natural History)
The Digital Universe 3D Atlas Connection to a World of Shared Content Video
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Session IV: Wildlife Captured in Images
1 Gen’ichi Idani (Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University) *Video Presentation
Session objective
2 Shinji Yabuta (Department of Animal Science, Teikyo University of Science & Technology)
Images as Specimens or Samples of Behavior for Analyses in a Laboratory
3 Paul Funston (Tshwane University of Technology)
Lion Behavioural-Ecology and Conservation – the Role of Visual Media
4 Miho Nakamura (Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University)
How Scientific Research and TV Production Can Collaborate?
Session V: Visual Media and Ethnography
5 Sarah Pink (Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University)
Moving Images: Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Visual Methods and Media in Anthropological Fieldwork
6 Gaku Masuda (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University)
How to Visualize the Main Element of Your Fieldwork: Methods for Visualizing Human Networks through 3D/4D Modeling and Its Impact on Ethnography.
7 Scott Phillabaum (California State University)
Epistemic Stance and the Multimodal Nature of Displaying Professional Competence
8 Hiromichi Hosoma (School of Human Cultures, University of Shiga Prefecture)
The Difference in Knowledge Marked by Gestures in Group Reminiscence Therapy
Session VI: Visual Media and Activism
9 Akira Okazaki (Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University)
Complicity between Visual Media and Activism
10 Masanori Oda (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
Toward Anthropology 2.0
11 Colin Nicholas (Center for Orang Asli Concerns)
Targeting the Wrong Audience:(Non)-Effectiveness of Visual Activism in the Kelau Dam Project in Malaysia
12 Kidlat Tahimik (Individual Filmmaker, Philippines)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Session VII: Visual Images and Society: Toward the Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres
1 Yoshiyuki Niwa (Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
Preservation and Use of Documentary Films -The Case of Documentary Film Archive Project
2 Renato Rivera (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
Processes and Uses of Visual Media in Migrant Research
3 Wataru Matsumoto (Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University)
The Meaning of Being Local in the Communication Via Moving Images -The Case of AHA!: Visual Archive Project
4 Alwyn Spies (Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, University of British Columbia-Okanagan)
Ninja, Cowboy, Bear: Approaching “Japanese Video Game Studies” through Film
Session VIII: Visual Images and Narratives
5 Sepp Linhart (Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna)
The Database of ʻCaricatures in Ukiyo-eʼ at the University of Vienna
6 Susanne Formanek (Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
A Tradition of Visualization: Research into the Depiction of the Life-Course in Japanese Pictorial Board-Games (E-Sugoroku), Maps of the Journey Through Life (Jinsei Dōchū-Zu) and Related Materials
7 Yoko Yamada (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
Image Maps of Life and the Spiritual Life Cycle: Japanese, British, Austrian and French University Studentsʼ Visual Narratives
8 Akihiko Ieshima (Center for Educational Research and Development, Shimane University)
The Globalization of Japanese Visual Narratives: Aspects of Anime/Manga that Appeal to Young People in America and Japan
Session IX: Cultural Computing: Creative Power Integrating Culture, Unconsciousness and Software
9 Hisham M. Bizri (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
10 Naoko Tosa (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
The Meaning of Japanese Cultural Computing Video
11 Koji Koyamada (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
Visual Data Mining Environment for Cultural Information Video
12 Ryouhei Nakatsu (National University of Singapore)
Comparison of Western and Eastern Cultures in Cultural Computing Video WOyloDApDH8
Summary Discussion
13 Chairperson : Koji Tanaka (Chair of the Symposium Organizing Committee, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University)
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