River/Coastal Engineering

Numbering Code U-ENG23 33293 LJ73 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.1
Instructor name GOTOH HITOSHI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
SUMI TETSUYA (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Professor)
ONDA SHINICHIROU (Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor)
HARADA EIJI (Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor)
TAKEMON YASUHIRO (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Associate Professor)
IKARI HIROYUKI (Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Fundamental items related to river engineering (i.e. mathematics of flood flow, characteristics of flood
disasters, flood control, river basin planning, nature restoration, and sediment transport management) and
coastal engineering (i.e., coastal processes, wave shoaling, irregular wave, tsunami, storm surge, tidal wave,
wave force) and basics of sediment-transport related to both river/coastal engineering are taught.
Course Goals Our goal is a systematic understanding of fundamental aspects of river/coastal engineering.
Schedule and Contents .
Flood Control Planning [Lec:4times]: Rivers and river engineering (why river engineering is important,
history of human involvement in rivers, characteristics of recent floods), flood flow hydraulics (building
bridge from hydraulics to river engineering), inundation analysis (hazard map), river topography (riverbed
morphology) and river channel shape (ruler cross-section, embankment), river law and flood control planning
(river maintenance basic policy and river improvement plan), and river structures (dams, weirs, sluices and
gates) are outlined.
River Environment Planning [Lec:2times]: Ecosystem services and river ecosystem management, nature
oriented river works, environmental improvement below dams, integrated sediment management (erosion
control, reservoir sedimentation/sediment removal, river channel management), and integrated basin
management (River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All, Eco-DRR) are outlined.
Movable bed hydrodynamics [Lec:2times]: Outlines of River bed fluctuation and beach deformation analysis,
and basics of bed and suspended load models are outlined.
Wave statistics and wave deformation [Lec:2times]: Mechanism of wave generation and development and
engineering treatment of irregular waves are outlined. Transformation mechanisms of ocean waves near the
coast due to water depth variation are outlined.
Wave force and wave resistant design [Lec:2times]: The characteristics of waves acting on coastal structures,
the formula for calculating the wave force and the stability of rubble mound breakwaters are outlined. An
overview of numerical design of wave resistant structures is given, and the latest numerical simulation
models are also discussed.
Tsunami and storm surge[Lec:2times]: The characteristics of tsunamis and storm surges are outlined.
Evacuation behavior and plans for tsunami evacuation are also outlined.
Achievement confirmation: Comprehensive assessment will be conducted.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Grades will be based on an assessment of the final exam.
Course Requirements Having taken the credits for [Hydraulics I and Exercises] and [Hydraulics II]. Having taken the credits for
standard liberal arts mathematics, including calculus and basic linear algebra, and standard liberal arts physics,
including mechanics and basic electromagnetism ([Fundamental Physics A], [Fundamental Physics B], and
[Advanced Dynamics]).
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Review of lecture content
Textbooks Textbooks/References 指定しない。
References, etc. 数値流砂水理学, 後藤仁志, (森北出版,2004), ISBN:978-4-627-49561-6
ダムの科学(改訂版), ダム工学会編著, (ソフトバンククリエイティブ,2019), ISBN:978-4- 7973-9708-6