Physical Chemistry Ib (Advanced Chemistry)

Numbering Code U-ENG27 27429 LJ60 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.2
Instructor name Shu Seki (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
SATO TAKESHI (Institute for Chemical Research Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 物理化学は「繰り返し」の学問です。固体物理学とともに,おなじ概念を何度も何度も考え直すことで,最終的に理解が進む分野でしょう。さまざまな自然科学の分野で,「概念(コンセプト)」を会得できるまでには長い時間を要します。さまざまなデータや現象に接したときに,「この条件を変えればこのデータは・この現象はこのような変化をするはずだ」,「このデータ・現象を支配している因子は何なのか,それを調べるためにはこの条件を変化させてみよう」,などが自然と思い浮かぶというのが例えば「概念の体得」にあたります。そういう意味では熱統計力学はとても「物理化学」らしい分野でもあります。そして,いったん考えることをやめてしまったら,多分,一生理解が進まずに,物理化学的なもののとらえ方ができなくなってしまうのでしょう。




Repetition of thinking again and again is only the way to master the Physico-Chemical concepts; there is no shortcuts to learn them in principle. This is also the case to learn the concepts in Solid State Physics. Once you master the concepts into yourselves, you will never forget and lose them. It will take a bit longer time to master them, but everybody are able to master them by the “simple repetition of thinking”, however never acquire the concepts if stop the thinking. Mastering the concepts will allow you to judge/make an immediate decision on critical factors controlling data/phenomena in our natural systems, or allow you to interpret the factors changing the systems. This is the “Master of (Physico-Chemical) Concepts”. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, the major target of the present class, are representative of Physical Chemistry due to their versatility to reproduce our practical systems.

The major aim of the present class is:
To understand macroscopic phenomena in our practical/natural system quantitatively by an use of Physico-Chemical concepts, particularly on statistical physics.

In the first half of this class, we start to discuss on quantitative definition of “entropy” based on the simple statistical mechanics, away from the hysterical/conventional definition of entropy in line of classical thermodynamics. The discussions on “statistical entropy” will be extended to represent a variety of intensive variables of some practical system via the concept of “Ensemble”, followed by the discussions on the feasibility of statistical mechanics for understanding the physical properties of matters/chemical reactions.
Course Goals 物理化学基礎及び演習で学んだことをもとにして,


1) Definition of entropy by statistical mechanics and understanding the concepts of entropy via mathematical derivations
2) Requisites for statistical mechanical approach to the systems
3) Concepts of ensembles: the extension to the real systems
4) Derivation of a series of intensive variables representative of systems
5) Feasibility of the above concepts to understand the practical systems, spectroscopic techniques, physical properties of matters, and practical chemical reactions.

Finally we approach to the limitations of the classical statistical mechanics, leading to the dawn of quantum mechanical treatment for the thermodynamic bodies: unlikely to the case for the requirements of the treatments in atomic structures/blackbody radiations. We finally discuss on the gap between Maxwell-Boltzmann systems and Fermi-Dirac/Bose-Einstein statistical systems.
Schedule and Contents 第1回:統計力学の原理と数学的準備
第3回: ボルツマンの原理へと至る過程とクラウジウスの理論
第5回:相転移における統計力学的取り扱い: 気化と気体の熱容量
第9回: 統計力学の基礎に関する演習と到達度確認

1. Principles of Statistical Mechanics and Entropy; mathematical backgrounds
2. Definition of Entropy: Approaches from statistical mechanics and conventional thermodynamics
3. Boltzmann Principles: Historical reviews starting from the discussions by Clausius
4. Translational Motion of Atoms/Molecules
5. Phase Transitions revisited by Statistical Mechanical Approaches: Heat Capacity of Matters
6. Distribution of Molecular Motions in Gases: Partition Functions
7. Canonical Ensembles: Partition Functions
8. A Varieties of Intensive Variables: in relation to macroscopic thermodynamic systems
9. Fundamental Statistical Mechanics including Exercise
10. Entropy Elasticity
11. Brownian Motions and the Collision Theory of Particles
12. Arrhenius Equation and Law
13. Eyring Equations and the Transition State Theory
14. Limitations of Classical Statistical Mechanics towards Quantum Statistical Mechanics
15. Statistical Mechanics Applications including Exercise
Evaluation Methods and Policy 以下のA,Bの方式のうち,点数が高い方を採用して評価とします。

B方式:出席とQuestion Paper(各回2点)+ 中間テスト + 期末テスト


※注意※ 中間・期末試験の再試験・追試は行いません。

Scores will be made by the following dual ways (finalized by the better one)

1) Active participation + midterm examination + final examination in total
(Weight of exams will be announced at the beginning of this course.)

2) Final examination only

No makeup exam after the final examination.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) ”Fermi推定”と言えるような,既知の定数・授業で取り扱う定式化された表現を用いて,登校中・帰宅中などの時間を活用してでも、随時身の回りの現象について考え,事象を定量的に見積もってみることをお勧めします。

Think quantitatively and calculate anything.
References, etc. オイラーの贈物, 吉田武, (東海大学出版会), ISBN:978-4486018636
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol1, Richard P. Feynman, , ISBN:978-0465024933
統計力学I, 田崎晴明, (培風館), ISBN:978-4563024376
物理化学(上), ムーア , (東京化学同人), ISBN:978-4807900022