Statistical Mechanics for Chemistry (Advanced Chemistry)

Numbering Code U-ENG27 47421 LJ61 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Mon.2
Instructor name Shu Seki (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
SUDA MASAYUKI (Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 物理化学は「繰り返し」の学問です。固体物理学とともに,おなじ概念を何度も何度も考え直すことで,最終的に理解が進む分野でしょう。さまざまな自然科学の分野で,「概念(コンセプト)」を会得できるまでには長い時間を要します。さまざまなデータや現象に接したときに,「この条件を変えればこのデータは・この現象はこのような変化をするはずだ」,「このデータ・現象を支配している因子は何なのか,それを調べるためにはこの条件を変化させてみよう」,などが自然と思い浮かぶというのが例えば「概念の体得」にあたります。そういう意味では熱統計力学はとても「物理化学」らしい分野でもあります。そして,いったん考えることをやめてしまったら,多分,一生理解が進まずに,物理化学的なもののとらえ方ができなくなってしまうのでしょう。

Repetition of thinking again and again is only the way to master the Physico-Chemical concepts; there is no shortcuts to learn them in principle. This is also the case to learn the concepts in Solid State Physics. Once you master the concepts into yourselves, you will never forget and lose them. It will take a bit longer time to master them, but everybody are able to master them by the “simple repetition of thinking”, however never acquire the concepts if stop the thinking. Mastering the concepts will allow you to judge/make an immediate decision on critical factors controlling data/phenomena in our natural systems, or allow you to interpret the factors changing the systems. This is the “Master of (Physico-Chemical) Concepts”. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, the major target of the present class, are representative of Physical Chemistry due to their versatility to reproduce our practical systems.

The major aim of the present class is:
Starting from the basic concept of "Entropy" defined by statistical mechanics, unlikely to the discoverly and development of "Entropy" in classical thermodynamics, to understand macroscopic physical properties of matters quantitatively by an use of Physico-Chemical concepts in Statistical Mechanics.

Course Goals 到達目標

1) Definition of entropy by statistical mechanics and understanding the concepts of entropy via mathematical derivations
2) Concepts of ensembles
3) Physical properties of matters in view of statistical mechanics
4) From classical statistical mechanics to quantum statistical mechanics

Finally we approach to the limitations of the classical statistical mechanics, leading to the dawn of quantum mechanical treatment for the thermodynamic bodies: unlikely to the case for the requirements of the treatments in atomic structures/blackbody radiations. We finally discuss on the gap between Maxwell-Boltzmann systems and Fermi-Dirac/Bose-Einstein statistical systems.
Schedule and Contents 1.統計力学の基礎, 1回
2.「確率と統計」の考え方の整理,分布という考え方, 1回
3.ランダムウォーク,ブラウン運動,拡散方程式,状態数, 1回
4.気体分子運動論, 1回
6.確からしい配置,統計力学的エントロピー,分配関数と熱力学量の導出, 3回

1. Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics
2. Probability and Statistics: Leading distributions
3. Random walk theory and Brownian motion, in relation to diffusion equation
4. Movement of particles, in gas phase
5. Entropy derived from statistical mechanics: Boltzmann entropy
6. Probable configuration, intensive/extensive variables and partition function
7. Ensembles
8. Grand canonical ensembles and distributions
9. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution
10. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the systems
11. Discussions
Evaluation Methods and Policy 授業回ごとのQuestion Paper/Quizにて評価する。定期試験は実施しない。100点満点

Making your scores based on Question Papers/Quiz in classes. No final exam is scheduled. Maximum scores: 100.
Course Requirements 物理化学基礎及び演習,物理化学 I- III〔先端化学〕の履修を前提とする。
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 授業中に指示する
Textbooks Textbooks/References 特になし
References, etc. ムーア「物理化学〔上〕」第4版,藤代亮一訳(東京化学同人) isbn{}{4807900021};
アトキンス「物理化学(下)」第8版,千原秀昭,中村恒男訳(東京化学同人) isbn{}{9784807906963};
マッカーリ・サイモン「物理化学-分子論的アプローチ(下)」,千原秀昭,江口太郎,斎藤一弥訳(東京化学同人) isbn{}{9784807905096}
久保亮伍 「統計力学」(共立出版) isbn{}{9784320034235}