Theory of Living Space in the Region

Numbering Code U-ENG24 34030 LJ74 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.2
Instructor name KANKI KIYOKO (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Here we discuss several series of theories and methods for understanding and planning urban and rural planning. We should know spacial as well as historical views. In the Urban and Rural Planning, we should concern and design the physical aspects as well as social aspects of the living spaces. Specially in the contemporary planning, we collaborate within and without local communities, while cooperating with global ongoing activities.
For the architectural students, it is necessary to study the ways to design the living spaces with deep understanding of urban planning theory and systems, as well as to find the new ideas for updating such theory and systems.
Course Goals B.Basic and Professional Knowledges、B2.Architectural Design and Living space Design with Planningoriented view、C.Practical Skills、C2. Ability to understand Social aspects of Architecture and Planning、E.Global View for Planning、E2. Ability to understand global and local culture
Schedule and Contents (1) Building Control and Development Control, From one site till the region(3 classes)
- the single site and facing street (historic area and narrow streets) Simulation of the transition of the area
- Zoning systems, roles, advantages, disadvantages
- Land Use Planning - urban land use, rural land use, natural land use
(2) Micro scale planning and design, community identity and district plan (2 classes)
- district plan, community agreements regulation and activities
- district plan system in Japan and in Germany
- Community action, participation, history of participatory planning and design, Machidukuri
(3) Landscape and Town scape ( 2 classes)
- History of the debates and community actions related Landscape disfigurement
- Conservation and Creativity
- Landscape planning zone, Conservation area design, Heritage area, Natural and Cultural Landscape
(4) Open space design ( 2 classes)
- Urban development and open space design, Ecological design
- Parks and Open spaces, Networks for the safety of the living spaces
- Community and open space, Children's participation, Play park, Maintenance and participation
(5) Space for traffic ( 1 class)
- Urban Planning Road Designation (Japan) , Public transport design and city center development, Pedestrian
Zone in the cities (Japan, Germany)
(6) Development Project Design, Urban Regeneration (2 classes)
- Land readjustment, History of (rural and urban) land readjustment
- Development Project regulations, incentive planning,
- Urban sprawl, Mini-Development(Japan), Gated community development
(7) Master Plan, Regional Plan (1 class)
- Urban planning district master plan, Urban Planning master plan
- Comprehensive plan for the local government
- Urban Shrink design, Change of the urban policy, population flame,
(8) History of Modern urban planning (1 class)
- History of Urban theory
- History of Planning
(9) Home work feed back (1 class)
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・2 home works (40%) and Examination(at the official examination term)(60%).
・The assignments for 2 home works will be shown during the lectures.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) The PDF files uploaded on PandA is with full color and easy to identify.
Those will be uploaded a little before each lectures in order to provide the more precise understanding of the plans and diagrams.
Textbooks Textbooks/References The prints will be distributed in each time.
The pdf files same with the prints will be uploaded on PandA.
References, etc. For the reference:「地域共生の都市計画 第二版」三村浩史著 学芸出版社(2005年) isbn4761531290
Other remarks:We will introduce the information of seminar, exhibition, or book related the lectures if any.
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