Laboratory Work in Earth & Planetary Sciences DD

Numbering Code U-SCI00 33476 SJ58 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 4 Course Type topics seminar
Target Year 3rd year students or above Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Tue.3・4
Instructor name ISHIOKA KEIICHI (Graduate School of Science Professor)
MUKOUGAWA HITOSHI (Graduate School of Science Professor)
TAGUCHI SATOSHI (Graduate School of Science Professor)
OOSAWA SHINJI (Graduate School of Science Professor)
SHIBATA TOMOO (Graduate School of Science Associate Professor)
MATSUOKA AYAKO (Graduate School of Science Professor)
SAITOU AKINORI (Graduate School of Science Associate Professor)
SHIGE SHOUICHI (Graduate School of Science Associate Professor)
YOSHIKAWA YUTAKA (Graduate School of Science Professor)
TOU HIROAKI (Graduate School of Science Associate Professor)
KONDA MASANORI (Graduate School of Science Assistant Professor)
HARADA (Graduate School of Science Assistant Professor)
TAKATOSHI SAKAZAKI (Graduate School of Science Associate Professor)
HORIGUCHI MITSUAKI (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Assistant Professor)
Imajo Shun (Graduate School of Science Assistant Professor)
TAKAHASHI KENSHI (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course  流体地球系共通の研究手法や,海洋,気象,気候,地球惑星電磁気など流体地球系の各学問分野特有の研究手法に関する5~10テーマの中から1テーマを学生諸君が選択して学習する。
Course Goals 地球惑星科学の専門的な研究手法を会得し,地球惑星科学の研究のための基礎・応用力を養う。
Schedule and Contents  提示するテーマは,地球物理学に関する知識を前提としないものから,3回生前期までに関連する講義・演習を履修している事を前提とするものまで,変化に富んだレベルがある。例えば,
Course Requirements 系登録済であること。その他の履修前提要件は各テーマによる。ガイダンスの際に説明する。
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 各テーマ毎に演習時に指示される。
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