
Numbering Code U-PHA00 3C313 LJ86 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 4th year students or above Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.1
Instructor name YAMASHITA FUMIYOSHI (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor)
TSUDA MASAHIRO (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Senior Lecturer)
SO KANAKO (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course In our super-aging society, medical care has been forced to make a major change in direction, while maintaining and improving quality. The first half of this course deals with the healthcare system and health economy and considers effective and efficient ways of using limited healthcare resources. In the second half, you will learn about the essential role that pharmacists play as members of a team in community-based comprehensive healthcare systems.
Course Goals 1. Explain the structure of and issues related to the medical system and policy.
2. Conduct an economic analysis of the problems of an aging society.
3. Explain the role of pharmacists in team medicine.
4. Explain the role of pharmacists in safety management.
Schedule and Contents 1. Healthcare and society
2. Multifaceted health and health promotion
3. Medical ethics and resource allocation
4. Health economics and policy
5. Structure of medical-insurance systems and related issues
6. Structure and functional differentiation of medical-supply systems
7. International comparison of medical systems
8. Healthcare and pharmacists
9. Primary care and pharmacists
10. Home care/nursing and pharmacists
11. Team medical care in hospitals
12. Drug management and supply
13. Drug information and risk management
14. Chemical damage
15. Overall summary
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation will be based on the following: attendance and small tests 20%; regular tests 80%.
The small tests require an understanding of important basic terminology and phrases from the lecture. In the regular tests, questions will be asked about important topics involving medical care and society and the role of pharmacists within those systems; the tests evaluate the students' overall proficiency on the lecture topics.
Course Requirements Students must have taken Community Medicine Pharmacy.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Read the materials distributed in advance to deepen your understanding of the lesson content. Also, please note that sometimes you will have to write a report on the lecture content, and this will be scored.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Others; in addition, printouts will be distributed during class.
References, etc. 津川友介 『「医療政策」の教科書』 (Igaku Shoin) ISBN:978-4-260-02553-9, 望月眞弓,武居光雄,狭間研至 『薬学と社会』 (Nakayama Shoten) ISBN:978-4-521-74448-3, 日本薬学会 編 『薬学総論Ⅱ』 (Toukyou Kagaku Doujin) ISBN:978-4-807-91701-3, 日本薬学会 編 『臨床薬学Ⅰ 臨床薬学の基礎および処方箋に基づく調剤』 (Toukyou Kagaku Doujin) ISBN:978-4-807-91719-8, 日本薬学会 編 『臨床薬学Ⅱ 薬物療法の実践』 (Toukyou Kagaku Doujin) ISBN:978-4-807-91720-4, 日本薬学会 編 『臨床薬学Ⅲ チーム医療および地域の保健・医療・福祉への参画』 (Toukyou Kagaku Doujin) ISBN:978-4-807-91721-1, 堀 了平ら監修 『医療薬学 第6版』 (Hirokawa Shoten) ISBN:978-4-567-48166-3
Courses delivered by Instructors with Practical Work Experience 分類:

A course with practical content delivered by instructors with practical work experience