1449001 Chinese Language and Literature
Numbering Code | U-LET11 31449 SJ36 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ First semester | |
Number of Credits | 2 | Course Type | Seminar | |
Target Year | Target Student | |||
Language | Japanese | Day/Period | Tue.4 | |
Instructor name | MIDORIKAWA HIDEKI (Graduate School of Letters Professor) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course | The Santaishi (『三体詩』) was compiled in the Southern Song dynasty by Zhou Bi (周弼) (1194~?) as an anthology of poetry, primarily from the middle-to-late Tang dynasty. It was also read with great pleasure in Japan from the Muromachi period (1333-1573) to the Edo period (1603-1868). In this course, we will intensively read part of this collection, the "shichigon zekku" (Chinese poems of four lines with seven characters each). We will improve reading comprehension of classic poetry and prose, while also learning literature investigation techniques by drafting detailed translator's notes. Furthermore, we aim to cultivate a better understanding of Tang dynasty literature. | |||
Course Goals |
・Learn the fundamentals of modern-style poetry forms and syntax. ・After closely examining authentic precedents and examples, learn methods for making detailed and exhaustive annotations. ・Deepen understanding of the life stories and literature of important Tang dynasty poets. |
Schedule and Contents |
We will start by reading Xu Hun's 「送宋処士帰山」of the "shichigon zekku" from the first volume of the Santaishi (『三体詩』). As a general rule, students will be assigned in advance the one poem they will be responsible for in each class, and they will be expected to make detailed annotations. Using these as a springboard, all students will discuss and consider the poems. Week 1: Introduction A general outline of the 『三体詩』. We will also introduce references and notify students about class procedure and methods for preparation and presentations. Week 2: 許渾「送宋処士帰山」 Week 3: 許渾(杜牧)「秋思」 Week 4: 李遠「黄陵廟」 Week 5: 温庭イン「贈弾箏人」 Week 6: 唐彦謙「韋曲」 Week 7: 唐彦謙「曲江春望」 Week 8: 陸亀蒙「ギョウ宮」 Week 9: 呉融「ブン郷卜居」 Week 10: 韓アク「尤渓道中」 Week 11: 厳維「丹陽送韋参軍」 Week 12: 韓コウ「寒食」 Week 13: 竇庠「上陽宮」 Week 14: 鮑溶「贈楊錬師」 Week 15: Summary On accomplishing this close reading, we will summarize the standards and characteristics of select poems of the 『三体詩』. |
Evaluation Methods and Policy | Class participation (responsibility and statements in class). | |||
Course Requirements | None | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | All students, not only the presentation leader, should come to each class session thoroughly prepared. At a minimum, they should read the text of the assigned work, as well as the annotations by Kao Pu-ying (高歩瀛). | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References | Other; handouts will be distributed. Students will also refer to the images in books from 谷村文庫 (日光寺旧蔵) in the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. | ||
References, etc. | 村上哲見 『三体詩(一) 中国古典選』 (朝日文庫、1978年) ISBN:0198-260129-0042 |