1644005 Indological Studies

Numbering Code U-LET13 21644 SJ36 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.4
Instructor name YAMAGUCHI NARIKO (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Pali is the main scriptural language in Theravada Buddhism, and it is as useful for Indological and Buddhist studies as Sanskrit and Tibetan.
In addition, grasping its phonological features is expected to provide deeper knowledge of classical Sanskrit and the ancient Vedic Indian language.

The aim is to acquire Pali reading comprehension skills through text reading (plan to read the relatively short tales contained in the Jaatakatthavannanaa (the commentary of Jataka; the story of a previous birth of the Buddha )) .

Will explain grammatical elements as needed in the course of reading.
Course Goals Become proficient enough in vocabulary and reading comprehension to comprehend original Pali texts on one's own as required for future learning and study.
Schedule and Contents 1st:Introduction
・About Pali (outline of linguistic characteristics, etc.)
・Introduction of dictionaries and grammar references needed for close reading
・Handing out of reading text print-outs
・Outline of reading texts (story content, related text, etc.)

2nd - 5th: Text reading (Somadattajaataka - the jakata of Somadatta)
6th - 9th: Text reading (Assakajaataka - the jakata of King Assaka)
10th - 14th: Text reading (Sabbadaatajaataka - the jataka of Sabbadaata)
Final exam
15th: Feedback

・Basically take turns reading. Grammar and other elements needed for understanding text will be additionally explained as needed.

・Classroom progress may be modified according to the comprehension level of attending students.
Evaluation Methods and Policy According to performance (text reading skills or initiative in understanding content: 50 points) and final exam (50 points).

(NOTE: Final exam will include text sight-reading, and students may bring a dictionary or grammar book.)
Course Requirements Have beginner level Sanskrit reading comprehension.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) ・ In principle, attend class having prepared to take turns reading text.

・Beginning students prepare as much as possible and emphasize review.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Other, distribute printouts
References, etc. Wilhelm Geiger, A Pali Grammar, (The Pali Text Society) ISBN:0 86013 318 4, Kogen Mizuno, 『パーリ語文法』 (Journal of Buddhist Studies) ISBN:4-7963-0010-4