English Reading ER27 1S2

Numbering Code U-LAS20 10001 SB48 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year 1st year students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Thu.2
Instructor name KANAZAWA YU (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Reading is a pivotal aspect of tertiary education of English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) in the context of English as a foreign language. This course aims at fostering the fundamental skills in a multifaceted manner, i.e., via Intensive Reading (IR), Extensive Reading (ER), Vocabulary Learning (VL), and Fluency Practice (FP).

IR: The principal objective is to reinforce reading accuracy, which includes acquiring basic comprehension and explicit knowledge of written text by strengthening vocabulary and grammar knowledge as well as learning various types of reading skills and strategies. In addition, the other objective, which is as important, is to promote students' high-level comprehension of text via critical-reflective thinking and collaborative deep active learning.

ER: The primary objective is to acquire the virtuous habit of reading substantial amount of English text with varied topics and genres of each student's choice, broadening their intellectual horizons. Through ample and constant exposure to the language, students are expected to naturally internalize and automatize the knowledge, skills, and strategies, leading to the formation of implicit knowledge and the practical command of the target language. In this course, the solitary nature of ER is compensated by incorporating communicative activities such as group-based knowledge sharing and peer-evaluation tasks.

VL: Vocabulary is the building block of successful reading. Students will learn essential academic words as well as highly frequent formulaic sequences in a way supported by cognitive psychological as well as applied linguistic theories.

FP: Fluency is a crucial aspect to be an efficient reader. Students will learn skills to improve their fluency, including the phonological awareness that underlies fluent reading.
Course Goals - Students will accurately read and understand an authentic nonfiction book in English.
- Students will improve vocabulary and grammar knowledge through reading comprehension.
- Students will acquire reading strategies, summarize and react to written text.
- Students will deepen their high-level comprehension of text via critical-reflective thinking and collaborative deep active learning.
- Students will work toward advanced reading fluency by reading substantial amount of English text at their appropriate level.
- Students will engage in productive talk, actively communicating and collaborating with other classmates in an academic setting.
- Students will learn essential academic words as well as highly frequent formulaic sequences.
- Students will improve phonological awareness of written text.
Schedule and Contents <>
VL = Vocabulary Learning (BYOD)
FP = Fluency Practice
ST = Small Test (BYOD)
IR = Intensive Reading (group presentation, Q&A, teacher's recap)
ER = Extensive Reading (including related activities such as short reports, peer-evaluation, knowledge sharing, and group discussion; BYOD)
- See above for details.

Session 1: Orientation, Introduction, Initial Tasks
Session 2: VL1, FP1, IR0 (Introduction, Group Allocation), ER1
Session 3: VL2, FP2, ST0, IR1 (Prologue, Chs. 1, 2), ER2
Session 4: VL3, FP3, ST1, IR2 (Chs. 3, 4, 5), ER3
Session 5: VL4, FP4, ST2, IR3 (Chs. 6, 7, 8), ER4 / ER Checkpoint #1
Session 6: VL5, FP5, ST3, IR4 (Chs. 9, 10, 11), ER5
Session 7: VL6, FP6, ST4, IR5 (Chs. 12, 13, 14), ER6
Session 8: VL7, FP7, ST5, IR6 (Chs. 15, 16, 17), ER7
Session 9: VL8, FP8, ST6, IR7 (Chs. 18, 19, 20), ER8
Session 10: VL9, FP9, ST7, IR8 (Chs. 21, 22, 23), ER9 / ER Checkpoint #2
Session 11: VL10, FP10, ST8, IR9 (Chs. 24, 25, 26), ER10
Session 12: VL11, FP11, ST9, IR10 (Chs. 27, 28, 29), ER11
Session 13: VL12, FP12, ST10, IR (Adjustment Period), ER12
Session 14: VL (Adjustment Period), FP (Adjustment Period), ST (Adjustment Period), IR (Adjustment Period), ER (Final Presentation)
Session 15: Final Exam, ER Checkpoint #3
Session 16: Feedback

- Activities and tasks will be implemented throughout the semester.
- Course schedule and contents above are liable to some minor adjustments and changes depending on the progress and situations. Students will be notified in class by the teacher if adjustments to this syllabus are required.
- Preparation for each class is required: students are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to class, and be ready for in-class presentation and discussion.
- All class activities are to be conducted in English.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation will be based on active in-class participation (30 points), tasks/assignments (30 points), the final presentation (10 points), and the tests/examination (30 points).
- Students must submit all assignments.
- Points will be deducted or ungiven for delayed assignments.
- Students who are absent from class more than four times will not be awarded a passing grade.
Course Requirements Refer to "Handbook of Liberal Arts and General Education Courses".
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) IR: It is IMPERATIVE that students read the assigned pages and grasp the plot, the characters, and the main points of the chapters BEFORE attending the class. Students in charge of group presentation should prepare especially well while working with other group members.

ER: Students are expected to read the designated amount of words and submit the assignments on a regular basis.

VL: It is recommended that students study in their spare time to meet the weekly goals.
Textbooks Textbooks/References The Double Helix, James D. Watson, (Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd)), ISBN:978-0-7538-2843-4, Do not mistakenly purchase the graded reader with the same title.
The textbook above is for IR. As for ER, other English materials such as library books and available online articles will be used (Instruction is given during class).
References, etc. Instruction is given during class.