Advanced Japanese(Academic Reading IIIB)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20050 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Tue.5
Instructor name SASAKI YUKI (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Program-Specific Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 受講生は人文科学分野の文章を読み進め、学術的な関心・理解を深めるのに必要な日本語運用能力を向上させる。また、読みとった内容について、専門用語を用いながら、読み手を意識した文章にまとめる。

Students will read texts in the field of humanities and improve their Japanese language skills necessary to develop their academic interest and understanding. They will also summarize what they have read, using technical terms, in a text with the reader in mind.
Based on the basic vocabulary and expressions in the humanities acquired in the first semester of Advanced Japanese (Academic Reading IIIA), each student will first make a reading plan, read more specialized literature, and write an abstract.
Course Goals 次のことができるようになることを目指す。

(1) To be able to apply the Japanese skills you have acquired to your studies in your own major or field of research.
(2) To be able to comprehend university lectures, read and write academic text, and participate in academic discussions with ease.
(3) To be able to communicate with few grammatical errors, and to be able to distinguish and use expressions according to different situations.
(4) To be able comprehend acadmic texts within a limited time, to be able to summarize and discuss.
Schedule and Contents 人文科学分野の専門性の高い文章について、講読計画を立て、それに沿って文献を読み進める。

第1回 オリエンテーション、目標を設定する、各自の文献講読計画を立てる
第2回~第7回 文献の読解、ディスカッション
第8回 中間報告
第9回~第13回 文献の読解、ディスカッション
第14回 最終報告
第15回 フィードバック

Students will read highly specialized texts in the field of humanities and make their own specialized reading lists in the field of humanities and use it throughout the semester.

[1] Introduction to the course
[2]-[7] Reading the text, Discussion
[8] Mid-term presentation
[9]-[13] Reading the text, Discussion
[14] Final presentation
[15] Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy (1)授業で書いた論述課題、最終レポートの評価(70%)と参加態度(30%)による。
(1) The student’s final grade will be based on both in-class participation (30%), and the writing assignments they will write during class and the final report (70%).
(2) Details of the grading method and evaluation criteria will be provided in class.
(3) Students who are absent from 5 or more class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements Kyoto University International Undergraduate Program生専用科目


Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 毎回の授業で学んだ内容を復習すること。
Students are required to practice and review the material they have studied in class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References プリントを配布する。 Handouts will be provided in class.
References, etc. 各自がテーマに沿って文献検索を行い、読書計画を立てる。 その際、特定分野の文献が概観できるもの(例えば筑摩書房「○○学の名著30」シリーズなど)も参考にし、計画を立てることを指導する。 日本語上級(文献講読IIIA)の既修者は、当該クラスで選択したテーマとは別のテーマを選ぶこと。
Students will be asked to conduct reference searches and develop a reading list. The instructor will guide the students to use materials that can provide an overview of the particular field, such as the series of “30 selected readings in the field of XX”edited by Chikuma Shobo.
Note that if you took Advanced Japanese(Reading ⅢA) in the previous semesters, you need to choose a topic that is different from the previous semesters.