Advanced Japanese(Academic Reading IA)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20045 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.5
Instructor name KAWAI JUNKO (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 日本の文化や日常的な問題について書かれた文章を読み進め、筆者の主張とそれを支える根拠を読み取る。その読み取った内容について、自分の見解を誤りなく論理的に述べる練習を行い、文章としてまとめる。
The purpose of this class is to develop reading skills, as well as to deepen students' understanding of Japanese culture and social problems in Japan. Students will also develop skills to describe and summarize the contents of the reading in a logical manner.

Course Goals 次のことができるようになることを目指す。
(4)本講義と日本語上級(文献講読IB)を併せて、JLPT N1/ CEFR C1~C2 レベルに相当するレベルを達成する。

(1) To be able to apply the Japanese skills you have acquired to your studies in your own major or field of research.
(2) To be able to comprehend university lectures, read and write academic text, and participate in academic discussions with ease.
(3) To be able to communicate with few grammatical errors, and to be able to distinguish and use expressions according to different situations.
(4) To attain a level of proficiency equivalent to the JLPT N1 or CEFR C1-C2 levels upon completion of Advanced Japanese(Reading A) and Advanced Japanese(Reading B).
Schedule and Contents 第1回 オリエンテーション、目標を設定する
第2回~第4回 問題意識を理解し、批判的に読む
第5回~第7回 ことばの意味を疑う
第8回~第10回 論理の構造を疑う
第11回~第13回 一般向けの文献(比較的簡易な文章を新書等より抜粋)を読む、ブック・トークで報告する、
第14回 全体をふりかえる
第15回 フィードバック

[1] Introduction to the course
[2] - [4]
Critically understanding and investigating the research questions of the text
[5] - [7]
Questioning the meaning of each of the words
[8] - [10]
Questioning the logical structure
[11] - [13]
Reading introductory books of specific fields, writing summaries, oral reports and discussions
[14] Term review
[15] Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy (1)授業で書いた論述課題、最終レポートの評価(70%)と参加態度(30%)による。
(1) The student’s final grade will be based on both in-class participation (30%), and the writing assignments they will write during class and the final report (70%).
(2) Details of the grading method and evaluation criteria will be provided in class.
(3) Students who are absent from 5 or more class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements Kyoto University International Undergraduate Program生専用科目


Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 毎回の授業で学んだ内容を復習すること。

Students are required to practice and review the material they have studied in class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References プリントを配布する。 Handouts will be provided in class.
References, etc. 世界のエリートが学んできた「自分で考える力」の授業, 狩野みき(2013), (日本実業出版社), (2013)
知的複眼思考法, 苅谷剛彦(2002), (講談社+α文庫)
新小論文ノート, 代々木ゼミナール(各年版), (代々木ライブラリー)