Intermediate Japanese IB (Integrated Course)

Numbering Code G-LAS02 80035 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year Graduate students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.4
Instructor name NANBA HISAKO (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course ・ このクラスは、初級を終えた学習者を対象に設計されている。
・ 中級Ⅰレベルの文法を理解し、読む・書く・聞く・話すの4技能についての総合
・ 同じテキストを使用するが、前期と後期で異なる内容を扱う。

・This class is designed for students who have completed Elementary Japanese.
・The purpose of this course is to understand Intermediate I level Japanese vocabulary and grammar, and to develop fundamental skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
・We use same textbook in both semester. but contents are different.
Course Goals ・中級Ⅰ後半の語彙や文型を習得する。

・Expand your vocabulary, and learn the latter half of Intermediate I level Japanese sentence patterns.
・To be able to use lower-intermediate level Japanese effectively for campus activities, in all four areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Schedule and Contents ・今学期は7課~12課を中心に扱う。

第1・2回      ガイダンス

第3・4回     8課 人やものの様子を説明する

第5・6回     9課 希望や条件を伝える

第7回       これまでの復習

第8・9回     10課 誤解を解く

第10・11回    11課 提案をする

第12・13回    12課 苦情を言われてあやまる
第14回      これまでの復習

試験期間     期末試験

第15回      フィードバック

・This semester we will cover Lesson 7~12.
・We take two classes for every Lesson.
・Students will practice their skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing during each class.
・The course schedule is as follows.

Week 1.2 Guidance
L.7 (L.& S.)to accept/refuse the invitation
(R.& W.)to read "Rakugo"

Week 3,4    L.8 to explain its situation in detail
about the relation to the preceding sentence

Week 5,6 L.9 to tell goods that you want to a shop assistant
to read the fact and writer's opinion in the text

Week 7 Review

Week 8,9 L.10 to react calmly
to read looking for the differences

Week 10,11 L.11 to suggest something
What do you imagine through the photo?

Week 12,13 L.12 to aporogize when you are complained
to read comparing the differences of each opinion

Week 14 Review

Exam.Week Final Exam

Week 16 Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・出席と授業参加度40% 期末試験60% によって評価する。

・The student's final grade will be based on attendance and class participation (40%), and final exam.(60%).
・Details of the grading method and evaluation criteria will be provided in class.
Course Requirements (1)初回の授業からすべて参加すること。
(1) Be sure to attend all the classes from day one.
(2) Applicants need to take a placement test before completing class registration. Please check the website of the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS) for the test schedule.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) ・各課の語彙を予習してくること。
Students must study the vocabulary for each lesson before coming to class.
Over the course of the semester, students who are found to have weaknesses in elementary level Japanese are to review the necessary points on their own.
Students must review.
Textbooks Textbooks/References みんなの日本語中級Ⅰ 本冊, スリーエーネットワーク, (スリーエーネットワーク), ISBN:978-4-88319-468-1
References, etc. みんなの日本語中級Ⅰ 翻訳・文法解説, スリーエーネットワーク, (スリーエーネットワーク), 各国語版があります。自分のわかる言語のものを選んでください。