Academic Discussion

Numbering Code G-LAS02 80003 SE48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Graduate students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Tue.3
Instructor name LeBlanc Catherine (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Senior Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The purpose of Academic Discussion/Seminar Participation is to equip learners with the necessary communication skills to engage with the academic community, expand their intellectual interests, and improve critical thinking skills. Current topics from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences will be explored from an interdisciplinary perspective with a primary emphasis on academic speaking and listening. Students will be expected to express their ideas in various types of settings (i.e. group discussion, debate, presentations) and prepare for these exchanges by listening to audio and viewing video materials outside of class.

A central part of this course will be group discussions. Therefore, active participation of students is crucial to the success of this course. Regarding academic speaking, students are expected to exercise their ability to express their views in discussions and debate, as well as improve comprehensibility through pronunciation practice. Regarding academic listening, students are expected to perform self-directed listening tasks using various types of audio and video recordings. These materials will be used to provide additional information to feed in-class discussions. Presentations will be considered in the assessment of students for the completion of this course.

本授業は,学術コミュニティにおいて必要とされるコミュニケーション能力を身につけ,知的好奇 心を広げ,批判的思考力を向上させることを目的とする。人文学・社会科学・自然科学の最新のト ピックについて,スピーキングとリスニング技能の育成に焦点を当てつつ,学際的な視点から探求 する。指定の音声・動画教材を予習し,様々な授業内活動(グループディスカッション,ディベー ト,プレゼンテーション)で意見交換することが期待される。

本授業では,グループディスカッションが中心的な活動となるため,積極的な授業参加が求められ る。アカデミックスピーキングに関しては,発音練習を通して理解されやすい話し方を身につける とともに,ディスカッションやディベートで意見を表現する能力を育成する。アカデミックリスニ ングに関しては,様々な種類の音声・動画素材を用いた自学自習が必須であり,これをもとに授業 内活動を行う。プレゼンテーションを成績評価の一部とする
Course Goals By the end of this course, students will be able to:
-initiate and maintain a conversation
-articulate a complete idea relating to a specified topic
-respond to other classmates' ideas and opinions
-manage a conversation in various settings using discussion strategies, such as agreeing/disagreeing, asking for clarification, changing the topic, etc.
-present and support opinions in a logical manner
-paraphrase an idea in order to clarify or verify information
-orally summarize ideas from in-class discussions and listening materials
-demonstrate comprehension through verbal and non-verbal cues in conversation
-identify the purpose of statements and supporting information in oral discourse
Schedule and Contents The course will cover both student-selected and teacher-selected topics. Classes will rotate between student-led discussions and specialized lectures prepared by the instructor. The order and number of classes for each topic will depend on student enrolment and progression in the course.

1 - Introduction and course overview
2 - Introduction of participants' area of research
3 - Seminar discussion strategies & student-led discussions
4 - Student-led discussions
5 - Topic specific discussions
6 - Topic specific discussions
7 - Speaking assessment
8 - Student-led discussions
9 - Student-led discussions
10 - Panel discussion preparation
11 - Presentation workshop and strategies
12 & 13 - Panel discussion presentations
14 - Review and course wrap-up
15 - Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation will be based on active participation in class (30%), listening participation (outside of class) (20%), speaking assessment (15%), performance self-assessment (20%), presentations (15%)

The speaking assessment format will be determined based on student enrolment. Presentations will be in the form of a group panel discussion to allow students to practice conference-like presentation skills.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Students are required to listen to assigned and self-selected materials outside of class, reflect and comment on the themes presented in these materials, and prepare discussion points for in-class participation. Relevant materials will be made available to students through email as the course progresses.
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