Buddhism Across Asian Civilisations

Numbering Code G-LAS10 80014 LE40 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Graduate students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Mon.5
Instructor name DEROCHE,Marc-Henri Jean (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 本講義では、インドにおける仏教の起源とその教義がアジアの多様な文明に広まった系譜をたどることで、仏教の歴史の基礎を提供する。特に、人間の条件に関する仏教の教えやそれを通した生、死、楽、苦の意味付けとその整理がどのようにアジアの人々に影響を及ぼしたかを考察する。仏教の教義と実践がレジリエンスの象徴的な出典として機能するため、いかに各地域の歴史的・文化的背景に応じて大いなる柔軟性、転換、順応を見せてきたかも検証する。
This class intends to offer solid foundations in the history of Buddhism, by studying its sources and doctrines in India, and its transcultural diffusion across Asian civilizations. We will especially consider how the peoples of Asia have relied upon the teachings of the Buddha about the human condition as ways to organize and express life, death, happiness and suffering in meaningful patterns. We will examine how Buddhist doctrines and practices have been constantly adapting to various historical and cultural contexts in order to serve as symbolic resources for resilience.
In a first part, we will consider the historical origins and doctrinal foundations of Buddhism in India. We will thus discuss the common elements and major differences between the various schools. In a second part, we will consider the expansion of Buddhism and its evolution in different lineages across Asia. For each civilization, we will consider the cultural exchanges and tensions with local traditions (Brahmanism/Hinduism in India and South Asia; Confucianism and Daoism in China, Shinto in Japan, Bon in Tibet, etc.), as well as the emergence of creative cultural syntheses. In this way, this class intends to offer also clear references in Asian philosophies and religions.
Course Goals 本講義の目的は、仏教学の基礎を提供し、そしてアジアの諸哲学や宗教にも言及する。本講義は特定の講読プログラム(仏教学専攻・非仏教学専攻、英語・日本語の言語能力等に応じたプログラム)を提供することで、仏教の指導的学習 (directed studies) を行う。
The objective of this class is to offer solid foundations in Buddhist studies, and clear references in Asian philosophies and religions. The class will be conducted as a course of “directed studies” in Buddhism according to a specific reading program (core or extensive; in English, Japanese, or other languages, depending on individual preferences).
Schedule and Contents 第一回 イントロダクション:仏教は哲学か、それとも宗教か?
Introduction: is Buddhism a philosophy or a religion?
         【第一部 インドにおける仏教の起源と基礎】
第二回 インドの状況と歴史的人物としてのブッダ
The Indian context and the historical Buddha
第三回 ブッダの教え:言語、経典と伝統
The teachings of the Buddha: languages, texts and traditions
第四回 「四聖諦」:苦、その原因、消滅、そして幸福への道
The four noble truths: suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path to happiness
第五回 仏教徒のコミュニティー:出家と在家の倫理
The Buddhist community: monastic and lay ethics
第六回 仏教の宇宙論:世界観、業(カルマ)、輪廻
Buddhist cosmology: various worlds, karman, and rebirths
第七回 無我の知恵: 我の仏教的な批判
Selfless wisdom: the Buddhist critique of an independent self
第八回 仏教瞑想論:止と観
Buddhist theories of meditation: calm abiding and insight
第九回 阿毘達磨における仏教の心理学
Buddhist psychology in the Abhidharma
第十回 大乗(MahAyAna)における菩薩の理想
The Great Vehicle and the compassionate ideal of the bodhisattva

         【第二部 アジアにおける広がりと順応】
第十一回 南アジア・東南アジアにおける仏教
Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia
第十二回 シルクロードを通り中国に伝わった仏教
Buddhism along the Silk Road and in China
第十三回 東アジアの仏教と日本への伝達
Buddhism in East Asia and its transmission to Japan
第十四回 チベット、ヒマラヤ地域、モンゴルにおける仏教
Buddhism in Tibet, the Himalayas and Mongolia

第十五回 結びとフィードバック
Conclusion and feedback session
Evaluation Methods and Policy 以下の方法で評価する:(1)参加度、(2)『Foundations of Buddhism』(一部、または全文)に関するレポート、(3)エッセイ。
Evaluation is made according to: (1) active participation, (2) a reading report on the textbook Foundations of Buddhism (partial or total), and (3) an essay.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) - 仏教学専攻以外の学生は、コア・リーディングプログラムを修する: R. Gethin 『Foundations of Buddhism』の pp.1-111。
- 仏教学専攻を希望する学生は、拡張リーデングプログラムを修する:『Foundations of Buddhism』全文、および参考書に記載されているもの。
- Students who do not specialize in Buddhist studies will be directed in core readings: the main parts (pp. 1-111) of the textbook by R. Gethin, Foundations of Buddhism.
- Students who wish to specialize in Buddhist studies will be directed in extensive readings: the entire textbook Foundations of Buddhism, as well as other works indicated in the references.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Foundations of Buddhism, Gethin, Ruppert, (Oxford University Press, 1998)
References, etc. MahAyAna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, Williams, Paul, (Routledge, 2009)
The Buddhist conquest of China. The spread and adaptation of Buddhism in early medieval China, Zurcher, Erik, (Brill, 1972)
The Tibetans, Kapstein, Matthew T., (Blackwell, 2006)
A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism, Deal, William E. & Ruppert, Brian, (Wiley Blackwell, 2015)