Global Survivability Risk Management

Numbering Code G-LAS15 80005 LB77 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Graduate students Target Student For all majors
Language English(Japanese) Day/Period Wed.3
Instructor name YAMASHIKI YOUSUKE (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Professor)
MIZUMOTO KENJI (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Associate Professor)
Cruz Ana Maria (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course (授業概要)本講義は地球規模の環境リスクにより、地球上に生活する我々人類を含めての様々な生物がさらされる生存リスクを評価し、それぞれのリスクの相対比較、想定規模と、発生確率および社会的影響について評価するものである。特に、地球温暖化によるリスク評価と、地球史における絶滅リスク(隕石衝突・火山噴火)、また現代社会において新たに想定される人類の生存に関わるリスクについて様々な角度から評価することを目標とする。
(Outline)In this lecture, we introduce several environmental risks on a global scale, together with the potential risk for survivability for all living creatures on Earth. This is done by making an inter-comparison among each of those risks, scales, and occurrence probability, as well as the social impacts. Especially, we study the potential hazards in association with global warming, general risk analysis, catastrophic mass extinction events (asteroid impacts & massive volcanic eruption), and complex and multiple disasters based on modern civilization.
(Objective) Students are expected to learn about Earth’s (terrestrial) ecological systems based on the GAIA concept, and new types of risks which have become critical issues throughout the progress of civilization. Special focus is given to the issues of global warming, nuclear disasters including environmental risks caused by nuclear waste, and other possible environmental disasters and hazards which may affect human civilization. Our final goal is to develop an overall image of a "sustainable civilization”.
Course Goals 地球生態システムに関する理解を深め、人間の(Anthropogenic)活動と、自然の(Natural)応答との相互連環について、現在存在する理想的な形態について学び、そのバランスの重要性について理解をする。現代において顕著となった文明に伴う新たなリスクの種類と想定される被害メカニズムを理解し、適切なリスク評価を行うことのできる知識の獲得を目指す。
Students will deepen their understanding of the Earth's ecological system and learn about the ideal mutual linkage between human (Anthropogenic) activity and natural (Natural) response, and well as understand the importance of the balance between them. Students will understand the new types of present-day risks and damage mechanisms associated with civilians, an acquire the knowledge to conduct appropriate risk assessments. Especially, students will evaluate the risk assessment of assumed damage caused by global warming, various extreme damage caused by catastrophic scenarios, and understand the risk of environmental disaster by nuclear power plants and radioactive waste; they will learn the necessary knowledge to help preserve the future of the Earth.
Schedule and Contents 【第1回】10/05;山敷;地球に対する人間活動(Anthropogenic)と自然活動(Natural)について学ぶ;
(Introduction of the difference between "anthropogenic" and "natural" impacts on Earth systems.)
(Introduction to Risk Studies)
(Disaster Risk: How can we reduce it? Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction)
【第4回】10/26;山敷.:自然(Nature)とは 地球における人間活動(Anthropogenic);の影響について概念 を学ぶ;。
(Learn the concept of "anthropogenic" and "natural" impacts on Earth systems.)
【第5回】11/9 山敷;森・流域における森林の機能について学ふ;
(Learn the function of a forest in an integrated river basin system.)
(Learn the roll of an atmospheric system on Earth systems, focusing mainly on the comparative study of the troposphere and stratosphere.)
【第9回】12/8 山敷;大陸と海洋と、その相互作用(Continental-Oceanic Mutual Interaction)について 学ぶ。
(Learn the concept of Continental-Oceanic Mutual Interaction.)
(Evaluation of Complex disaster induced by human activities, by introducing nuclear disaster);
【第11回】12/21 山敷&;近年の世界の水災害リスク
(Recent Water-Related Disaster Events)
【第12回】01/04 水本; グローバル感染症である新型インフルエンザへのリスクに対する日本の対 策を学ぶ;
(Learn about pandemic influenza preparedness and response of the Japanese Government.);
(Learn about emerging/re-emerging infectious disease focusing on Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever.)
【第14回】01/18 Cruz Ana Maria: natural hazard triggered technological accidents (known as Natechs)
(Learn about risk management of Natechs through a discussion exercise.)
Evaluation Methods and Policy 講義中に行う簡単なレポートと、最終回に提示するレポートにより評価する。
Students will be evaluated based on simple lecture reports, as well as a final presentation report.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 破局的シナリオについて、National GeographicのEvacuate Earthシリーズや他の番組を見て、それらの「現実性」について想像を巡らせてほしい。
Please watch some programs related to catastrophic scenarios, such as the “Evacuate Earth” series by National Geographic, and imagine the “realities” of these.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 総合生存学 グローバルリーダーのために, 川井秀一、藤田正勝、池田裕一(編):, (京都大学学術出版会,2015)