Sustainability Science for Global Survivability

Numbering Code G-LAS15 80009 LE95 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Graduate students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Thu.5
Instructor name KIYONO JIYUNJI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
FUJII SATOSHI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
Cruz Ana Maria (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Professor)
SAYAMA TAKAHIRO (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Associate Professor)
SHIMIZU MIKA (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Program-Specific Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course  現代の地球社会では、巨大自然災害、突発的人為災害・事故、環境劣化・感染症などの地域環境変動、食料安全保障、といった危険事象や社会不安がますます拡大している。本授業科目では、それらの地球規模、地域規模での事例を紹介するとともに、国レベル、地方レベル、あるいは、住民レベルで、持続可能な社会に向けてどのように対応しているのかを講述する。また、気候、人口、エネルギー問題や社会経済などの変化が予想される状況において、今後考えるべき事柄は何かを議論する。

 Modern global society is facing risks or social unrests that are caused by huge natural hazards and disasters, man-made disasters and accidents, regional environmental change/degradation including infectious diseases, and food security. Introducing such examples at global and regional scales, this course provides lectures how to cope with them at national, local and community levels for making the society sustainable/survivable. Future countermeasures are also discussed under the uncertain circumstances such as climate change, population growth, energy and socio-economic issues.


 The issues listed above are taking place in many parts of the world and difficult to be solved by a single discipline. Interdisciplinary approach is necessary. This subject gives opportunities to learn and discuss with professors and students who have various academic backgrounds.
Course Goals  地球社会の安全安心を脅かす巨大自然災害、人為災害事故、地域環境・気候変動等の問題について、基本的知識を得るとともに、こうした問題に関して自らの意見を発表し、異分野の教員、学生とともに議論する能力を高める。

 The objectives of this class are to have basic knowledge about global issues threatening safety and security of the earth society such as catastrophic natural disasters, man-made disasters and accidents, regional environmental and climate changes, and to enhance student’s ability to express his/her own ideas and discuss with professors and students from other study areas.
Schedule and Contents グローバル生存学について(1回)












1. Introduction of Global Survivability Studies
Discuss on global agendas for sustainable development and resilient societies and why we need Global Survivability Studies (GSS).

2. Earthquake disaster mitigation
Discuss on earthquake disaster mitigation focusing on lessons learnt from Tohoku EQ.

3. Mitigation of earthquake damage to historic structures
Discuss on the mitigation of earthquake damage to historic structures.

4. Water-related disaster risk management
Discuss on water-related disaster risk management: concept and recent experiences.

5. Climate change and water-related disasters
Discuss on impact assessment and adaptations for water-related disaster risk under climate change.

6. Living safely in an industrialized world: When natural and technological hazards collide
Discuss conjoint natural and technological disasters so called “Natech”.

7. Moving from risk management to risk governance for Natech risk reduction
Discuss risk governance concept to reduce Natech.

8. Building national resilience in Japan
Discuss on building national resilience based on Japanese experiences.

9. Globalism as totalitarianism
Discuss on globalism as totalitarianism.

10. Public policy and systems approach for global changes in disaster risks
Lecture and group work on public policy and systems approach for global changes in disaster risks.

11. Disaster risk management and governance for global changes
Lecture and group work on disaster risk management and governance for global changes.

12-15. Presentation by students; discussions
Presentation by students related to this lectures and discussions on the presented topics.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 平常点(出席状況)と講義中でのプレゼンテーション。
Attendance to lectures and Presentation and discussion.
As this course includes discussions, students are expected to attend basically all the lectures for the evaluations.
Course Requirements 英語での受講、発表、議論ができること。
Students should be able to use English for lectures, presentation and discussion in this class.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review)  事前に教材が配られる(あるいは web に掲載されダウンロードできる)場合は、予習してくること。授業中に教材が配られること(あるいは事後にwebに掲載されること)もある。
 If handouts (teaching materials) are distributed (or downloaded from the website), students should read them prior to the class. They may be distributed at the classroom (or put on the website). Students can make use of them after the class for reviewing lectures and preparing presentation materials and discussion sessions which will be organized in the latter half of the semester.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 特になし。 Nothing special.
References, etc. 特になし。 Nothing special.