Elementary Japanese II (Reading, Composition)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 10013 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.2
Instructor name AKUZAWA KOYO (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Senior Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course ・このクラスは、しょきゅうの前半を終えた人のためです。
・This class is designed for students who have completed the first half of Elementary Japanese.
・The goal of this course is to learn Elementary II level Japanese grammar and to acquire skills necessary for reading and writing.
Course Goals このコースの目標は下のとおりです。
・JLPT N4/ CEFR A2 レベルをめざします。
Course goals are as follows:
・To expand basic vocabulary and to complete learning the elementary sentences.
・To be able to read and write simple sentences useful for daily life.
・To achieve a level of proficiency equivalent to the JLPT N4 or CEFR A2 levels.
Schedule and Contents ・それぞれの回で、よむ・かくれんしゅうをします。
だい1回 ガイダンス、L1~L12のふくしゅう
だい2回 L13「日本のおもしろいけいけん」
だい3回 L14「なやみのそうだん」
だい4回 L15「私が好きな所」
だい5回 L16「ドラえもん」
だい6回 L17「オノ・ヨーコ」
だい7回 L18「大学生活」
だい8回 ふくしゅうと中間テスト
だい9回 L19「手がみとメール」
だい10回 L20「落語 猫の皿」
だい11回 L21「やくどし」
だい12回 L22「さくらさんの日記」
だい13回 L23「どんなかお?」
だい14回 そうふくしゅう
だい15回 フィードバック

・In each class, students are expected to practice the reading and writing skills according to the themes below.
・Students are assigned to write a passage after each class, using the grammar presented during the class.
・The course schedule is as follows.
Week 1 Orientation, reviewing L1-L12
Week 2 L13 "Interesting experiences in Japan"
Week 3 L14 "Personal advice column"
Week 4 L15 "My favorite place"
Week 5 L16 "The Manga Doraemon"
Week 6 L17 "Yoko Ono"
Week 7 L18 "College life"
Week 8 Reviewing L13-L18, Midterm exam
Week 9 L19 "Letters and e-mails"
Week 10 L20 "Rakugo: A cat's plate"
Week 11 L21 "Unlucky ages"
Week 12 L22 "Sakura's diary"
Week 13 L23 "Emoticons and emoji"
Week 14 Reviewing L19-L23
Final Exam
Week 16 Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・しゅっせきとさんか(20%)、しゅくだい(30%)、ミニクイズ(10%)、中間テストときまつテスト(40%)でひょうかをします。
・The student’s final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation (20%), 2) submission of assignments (30%), 3) mini-quizzes (10%), and 4) a midterm exam and final exam (40%).
・Details in evaluation will be provided in class.
・Students who are absent from 1/3 or more of the total number of class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。
Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) クラスの前に、教科書の言葉をおぼえて、文法のかいせつを読んでください。
Students are expected to memorize new vocabulary and to read grammatical explanations before the class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 初級日本語 げんきII 第3版, 坂野永理ほか, (The Japan Times, 2020), ISBN:978-4-7890-1732-9
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Vol.2 [Third Edition] , Banno, Eri et al., (The Japan Times, 2020), ISBN:978-4-7890-1732-9