Advanced Japanese (Academic Listening)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20021 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.3
Instructor name HONDA AKARI (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 本講義は、専門的な講義を理解するための聴解力を身につけることを目的とする。

The purpose of this class is for students to acquire listening skills for understanding an academic class, and to be able to understand and use academic vocabulary. First, students will watch documentary programs about Japanese culture, history, and social problems, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary. By answering quizzes, summarizing the information, and participating in discussions, students will learn how to grasp the content more fully and how to convey their opinions to other people.

Course Goals ・専門の学習・研究に役立つ日本語応用力を向上させる。

・To be able to apply the Japanese skills you have acquired to your studies in your own major or field of research.
・To be able to comprehend university lectures, read and write academic text, and participate in academic discussions with ease.
・To be able to communicate with few grammatical errors, and to be able to distinguish and use expressions according to different situations.
・To be able to carry out natural conversation.
Schedule and Contents 第1回   ガイダンス
第2~3回 ドキュメンタリー番組①…日本の名所に関する番組を視聴し、難解な語彙や内容が理解できているか確認する。
第4~5回 ドキュメンタリー番組②…日本の歴史・文化に関する番組を視聴し、難解な語彙や内容が理解できているか確認する。
第6回 ドキュメンタリー番組③…日本の社会問題に関する番組を視聴し、難解な語彙が理解できているかを確認する。
第7回 講義聴解①…上記テーマに関連する講義を聴く。内容について、ディスカッションを行う。
第8回 ドキュメンタリー番組④…日本の社会問題に関する番組を視聴し、難解な語彙が理解できているかを確認する。
第9回 講義聴解②…上記テーマに関連する講義を聴く。内容について、ディスカッションを行う。
第10回 ドキュメンタリー番組⑤…日本の社会問題に関する番組を視聴し、難解な語彙が理解できているかを確認する。
第11回 講義聴解③…上記テーマに関する講義を聴く。内容について、ディスカッションを行う。
第12回 講義聴解④…レジュメを使った講義を聴き、内容が理解できているか確認する。
第13~14回 講義聴解⑤…パワーポイントを使った講義を聴き、内容が理解できているか確認する。内容についてディスカッションを行う。
第15回 フィードバック

Week 1 Guidance
Weeks 2-3 Documentary programs①…Students will watch documentary programs about the sights in Japan, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary and the content.
Weeks 4-5 Documentary programs②…Students will watch documentary programs about Japanese history and culture, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary and the content.
Week 6 Documentary programs③…Students will watch documentary programs about social problems in Japan, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary.
Week 7 Academic listening①…Students will listen to a lecture related to the contents written above.Students will then hold discussions on the theme.
Week 8 Documentary programs④…Students will watch documentary programs about social problems in Japan, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary.
Week 9 Academic listening②…Students will listen to a lecture related to the contents written above.Students will then hold discussions on the theme.
Week 10 Documentary programs⑤…Students will watch documentary programs about social problems in Japan, and confirm their understanding of difficult vocabulary.
Week 11 Academic listening③…Students will listen to a lecture related to the contents written above.Students will then hold discussions on the theme.
Week 12 Academic listening④…Students will listen to a lecture using handouts, and confirm their understanding of the content.
Weeks 13-14 Academic listening⑤…Students will listen to a lecture using slides, and confirm their understanding of the content.Students will then hold discussions on the theme.
Week 15 Final exam
Week 16 Feedback
(Topics are subject to change.)
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・「参加態度」15%、「期末テスト、小テスト、提出物」85%で評価する。

・The student’s final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation (15%), and 2) final exam, short tests, and assignments(85%).
・Details of the grading method and evaluation criteria will be provided in class.
・Students who are absent from 5 or more class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。
Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 毎回の授業で学んだ内容を復習すること。
Students are required to practice and review the material they have studied in class each week.
Textbooks Textbooks/References プリントを配布する