Intermediate Japanese II (Reading)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20014 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.2
Instructor name URAKI NORIKAZU (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course この授業は、読解力を向上させながら、上級へとつながる日本語能力を養うことを目的としている。語彙や文法の知識を習得するだけに止まらず、自分自身の内容把握について話し合い、考えるという過程を踏み、正確な読解能力の習得に導く。学生自らの意見を述べることができる。

The purpose of this class is for students to raise their reading skills to an advanced level. Students will not simply learn vocabulary and grammar, but will also acquire reading comprehension abilities through discussion of the content of the reading assignments. Through the discussions students will also learn to articulate their own opinions of various topics.
Course Goals 教材の内容を正確に把握し、自らのことばで再構築できるようになる。

To be able to understand the content of reading materials, and explain it in your own words.
To be able to discuss the issue raised in the reading as your own and provide thoughtful insights.
To be able to express your own opinion about topics.
Schedule and Contents 毎回テキストを1課ずつ学習していく。授業計画は以下の通り。


We will proceed through the textbook spending one class session on each lesson.
Week 1 Orientation, Review of intermediate Japanese 1
Weeks 2 Reading Topic: a project, Objective: understanding its purpose and gist
Weeks 3 Using keywords to summarize each paragraph
Weeks 4 Reading Topic: an article related to science, Objective: understanding the step-by-step procedure; from experiments to setting up a hypothesis
Weeks 5 Understanding methods and results of experiments, hypotheses and evidence for them
Weeks 6 Reading Topic: an article about classroom practice in a domestic science class, Objective: understanding the author’s opinion on the subject
Weeks 7 Comparing student’s family values with that of the author
Weeks 8 Reading Topic: an article about social media, Objective: understanding the author’s opinion
Weeks 9 Understanding the author’s point of view as a journalist
Weeks 10 Reading Topic: an article based on scientific data, Objective: understanding the author’s opinion
Weeks 11 Reading Topic: data, scientific explanation etc, Objective: grasping the author’s definitions and numeral values
Weeks 12 Reading Topic: an article about learning, Objective: comprehending the author’s opinion
Weeks 13 Understanding the author’s definition to terms and summarizing the main points
Week 14 Reading Topic:understanding the cause and effects of a pollution disease
Week 15 Final Exam
Week16 Feedback

The schedule might change according to students’ abilities and wishes.
Vocabulary quizzes will be administered at the beginning of each class, so be sure to study the words in advance.
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・「参加態度」30%、と「提出物」20%、「期末テスト」50%で評価する。
・The student’s final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation (30%), 2) vocabulary assignments (20%), and (3) a final exam (50%).
・Students who are absent from 1/3 or more of the total number of class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。

Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) この授業では、予習と復習が必要である。週に1度の授業だけでは読解能力を身につけることはできない。次の授業までに,わからない単語や漢字を調べておくこと。

Students are required to prepare and review for each class. It is impossible to acquire reading comprehension abilities by attending a weekly class alone. Students should look up and confirm any new vocabulary and Kanji before each class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 話す・書くにつながる!日本語読解 中上級, 小野恵久子 遠藤千鶴 大久保伸枝 山中みどり, (アルク), ISBN:978-4-7574-2686-3