Intermediate Japanese II (Listening)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20013 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.4
Instructor name NAKASHIMA YOUKO (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course ・自然なスピードの日常会話、また、比較的短い解説を聞き取れるようになる。

The purpose of this course is for students to be able to listen to and understand natural speed conversations and relatively short commentary.


By using listening materials, students are trained to listening comprehension. Focus of the class is on dictation rather than multiple choice.
Course Goals ・場面の目的に応じた効果的な聴解ができ、その聴解を基礎とした説明や意見ができるようになること。
・JLPT N2/CEFR B2レベル相当程度の聴解力の習得を目指す。

Course goals are as follows.
To be able to listen effectively and in a manner suitable to a given situation and purpose. To be able to explain briefly and give opinions based on the listening assignment.
To attain a level of proficiency equivalent to the JLPT N2/CEFR B2 level.
Schedule and Contents  各回、授業の前半でN2対策の練習問題を行った後、日本の社会や文化に関する説明を聞き取り、その内容を確認する。

第1回   導入 音声の特徴 
第2-3回  即時応答 / 説明の聞き取り(第2回-第14回)
第4-6回  課題理解
第7-8回  ポイント理解
第9回   中間試験 及び第1-8回までの復習
第10-12回  概要理解
第13-14回 統合理解
第15回  フィードバック

In the first half of each class, we will cover practice exercises in preparation for the JLPT N2 exam. After that, we will listen to short descriptions about society and culture in Japan and check the contents to deepen our understanding.

Week 1 Introduction, Characteristics of Japanese voice
Weeks 2-3 Immediate response/explanations of cultural contents (weeks 2-14)
Weeks 4-6 Understanding tasks
Weeks 7-8 Understanding the points
Weeks 9 Midterm exam and comprehensive review of Week 1 to 8
Weeks 10-12 Understanding the overview
Weeks 13-14 Integrated understanding
Week 15 Final exam
Week 16 Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・「参加態度」30%、と「課題、中間試験、期末試験」70%で評価する。

・The student’s final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation attitude (30%), and 2) assignments, mid-term exam, and final exam (70%).
・Students who are absent from 5 or more class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。

Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 毎回の授業で学んだ内容を復習すること。

Students are required to practice and review the material they have studied in class each week.
Textbooks Textbooks/References プリントを配布する。 Handouts will be distributed as necessary.

References, etc. 留学生のためのアカデミック・ジャパニーズ 聴解 [中上級], 東京外国大学日本語教育センター, (スリーエーネットワーク,2014), ISBN:9784883196876, 購入の必要はありません。
受講者のレベルによってはN1、N2の問題集を使うこともある。 Depend on the level of students, work materials for N1 and/or N2 will also be used.