Intermediate Japanese IIA (4H course)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20009 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 4 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.4・5
Instructor name MASHITA KYOKO (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 日本語中級Ⅱ4Hコースは「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の四技能を総合的に向上させながら、中級後半から上級へとつながる日本語能力を養うことを目的としたものである。

This is an integrated course offered as a sequence of 2 class sessions per week designed for students who have completed lower intermediate Japanese. The purpose of the course is for students to develop an all-round ability in Japanese at the upper intermediate level, focusing on speaking,listening,reading,and writing skills.
We will meet once a week(for 2 sessions). Every two weeks, we will(1)introduce new grammatical points,(2) practice sentence structure drills,(3)improve conversation and listening comprehension, and(4)practice reading and composition.
Course Goals ある程度まとまりのある学術的な文章が理解できる。状況や場面の目的に応じた効果的な会話ができ、的確な説得力のある文章を作ることができる。より幅広い場面で、自然に近いスピードの日本語の聞き取りができる。

The goals of the course are as follows.
・To be able to read academic material at an intermediate level.
・To communicate using appropriate and effective expressions depending on the situations.
・To understand Japanese spoken at natural speed in various situations.
Schedule and Contents メインテキスト『みんなの日本語 中級Ⅱ本冊』を2週で1課のペースで進めていく。

・第 1・2回:  ガイダンス 第13課
(①読解・記述:随筆を読む、②会話・聴解:日常的な社交場面での会話 ③関連文 法・表現)
・第 3・4回:  第14課
・第 5回:    第13・14課 復習  小テスト①(第13~14課)
・第 6・7回:  第15課
・第 8・9回:  第16課
・第10回:   第15・16課 復習  小テスト②(第15~16課)
・第11・12回: 第17課
・第13・14回: 第18課
・   ≪期末テスト≫
・第15回:   フィードバック(期末テストの解説)

・1~2: Orientaion, Lesson13
(①Reading Comprehension and Writing: reading essays, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: conversation used in social scenes of daily life ③ related grammar and expressions
・3~4: Lesson14
(①Reading Comprehension and Writing: reading explanatory texts, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: story-telling, ③ related grammar and expressions)
・5: Review for Lesson 13&14, Test① (L13~14)
・6~7: Lesson 15
①Reading Comprehension and Writing: expository sentences, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: practicing how to link or break-up a conversation, ③ related grammar and expressions)
・8~9: Lesson 16
①Reading Comprehension and Writing: newspaper articles, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: telling one's own experience, consoling others, ③ related grammar and expressions
・10: review for Lesson 15&16, Test② (L15~16)
・11~12: Lesson 17
①Reading Comprehension and Writing: expository sentences, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: interlocutor-based style variations, ③ related grammar and expressions)
・13~14: Lesson 18
①Reading Comprehension and Writing: reading novels, ②Listening Comprehension and Conversation: apologies, retorts and complaints ③ related grammar and expressions)
・ ≪ Final Exam (L13~18)≫
・15: Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・「参加態度」10%、「宿題」10%、「単語テスト」10%と「2回の小テスト、期末試験」70%で評価する。

・The student's final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation (10%), and 2)home work(10%),3) vocabulary quiz(10%),4) two tests and a final exam(70%).
・Students who are absent from 1/3 or more of the total number of class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。

Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) ・『みんなの日本語中級Ⅱ 翻訳・文法解説』の各課の文法解説を事前に読んでおき、語彙については覚えてくること。

・Students are expected to prepare for each lesson by reading grammar explanations and memorizing new vocabulary before coming to class.
・After each lesson you are required to review and repeatedly practice vocabulary, sentence patterns and expressions.
Textbooks Textbooks/References みんなの日本語 中級Ⅱ 本冊, , (スリーエーネットワーク), ISBN:978-4-88319-590-9
みんなの日本語 中級Ⅱ 翻訳・文法解説, , (スリーエーネットワーク), ISBN:978-4-88319-614-2
Handouts will be provided in class.
References, etc. みんなの日本語 中級Ⅱ 標準問題集, , (スリーエーネットワーク), ISBN:978-4-88319-737-8