Intermediate Japanese I (Conversation)

Numbering Code U-LAS29 20004 SJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar (Foreign language)
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language Japanese Day/Period Tue.2
Instructor name MIHARA CHIKA (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course この授業では、(1)機能別に自然な会話の流れを理解すること、(2)話し相手によって適切な表現で話せるようになること、(3)日常的な場面や大学生活での会話の基礎的なコミュニケーションを行うための技能を学ぶことを目標とする。
The purpose of this class is for students to be able to (1) understand the natural flow of ordinary conversations in various situations, (2) to speak appropriately based on the relationship between listener and speaker, and (3) to acquire basic communication skills for everyday situations and campus life.
Course Goals ・初級で学んだ語彙・文型を使って、自由に話すことができるようになる。
・日本語能力試験N3レベル/CEFR B1に相当するレベルを達成する。
・To be able to engage in conversation with ease by applying the grammar and vocabulary learned at the elementary level.
・To attain a level of proficiency equivalent to the JLPT N3 or CEFR B1 level.
Schedule and Contents まず、基礎的な会話から構成や表現を理解する。その後、それらが使えるようにロールプレイを中心にペアやグループで練習する。そして、それぞれの学生に必要な場面を各自設定し、応用できるように練習する。また、自分の意見を日本語で言えるようにグループで話し合いをする。

13週目: 設定したテーマについての話し合い(1)

First, you will learn structures and expressions commonly used in basic conversations. You then will practice conversation through role plays and pair/ group work. You will also have to determine the situations and conversational settings that you may face and practice applying what you have learned. You will also practice giving your opinions with your classmates.

Week 1 Practicing self-introduction
Week 2 Introducing yourself and making small talk with a new person
Week 3 Describing procedures
Week 4 Cheering up your friends
Week 5 Asking to leave a message
Week 6 Explaining your symptoms to your doctor
Week 7 Offering help in a situation
Week 8 Talking with your friends and giving your opinion (1)
Week 9 Talking with your friends and giving your opinion (2)
Week 10 Explaining your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing (1)
Week 11 Explaining your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing (2)
Week 12 Explaining your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing (3)
Week 13 Discussing a topic with your classmates(1)
Week 14 Discussing a topic with your classmates(2)
    ≪Final test≫
Week 16 Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・「授業での発表、課題」40%、と「授業で行うテスト、期末試験」60%で評価する。
・The student’s final grade will be based on 1) in-class participation, presentations, assignments (40%), and 2) test(s) and final test (60%).
・Details of the grading methods and evaluation criteria will be provided in class.
・Students who are absent from 5 or more class sessions will not be evaluated.
Course Requirements 「全学共通科目履修の手引き」を参照。
Refer to the Handbook of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 語彙や表現の予習、教科書のCDを聞いて復習すること。
Students are required to preview vocabulary and expressions in the textbook, and to review what is studied in each class by listening to the CD that accompanies the textbook.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 会話に挑戦!中級前期からの日本語ロールプレイ, 中居順子他, (スリーエーネットワーク), ISBN:978-4-88319-361-5