Culture and Traditions in Japan II

Numbering Code U-LAS07 10002 LE31 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year All students Target Student International students
Language English Day/Period Mon.5
Instructor name YUKAWA SHIKIKO (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 年中行事、食文化、日本人の美的嗜好、信仰、結婚や家族、職、日本人のコミュニケーションスタイルなど、様々な側面から日本の文化や伝統、またその歴史的変遷について考察していく。

We will explore Japanese culture and its traditions from classical to modern times from a variety of angles: Japanese annual traditions, food culture, aesthetic tastes, religion, marriage/family, work and communication styles, to name a few.
Course Goals 日本への関心を広げ、そして深めること。日本の文化と自国の文化とを比較し、その共通点と相違点を見出し、より深く理解できるようになること。

The primary goal of this class is for students to explore and deepen their understanding of Japan, its culture and its people. Students should also take the opportunity to compare Japanese culture with their own in order to identify and gain a better understanding of points of similarity and difference between the two.
Schedule and Contents 授業は1)以下のテーマに基づく講義および、2)受講生によるグループ発表によって行われる。講義の内容・順番は授業の進みぐあいを見て変更することがある。学期末には期末試験を行う。

第1~2回目: 日本の食文化と生活様式の変化、日本の年中行事・儀礼
第3~4回目: 日本人の美意識
第5~6回目: 日本人とのコミュニケーション、日本人の価値観・思考パターン
第7~9回目: 日本の婚姻制度と家族 ―戦前と戦後―、グループ発表の準備
第10~11回目: 日本人と仕事、グループ発表の準備



Classes will consist of 1) lectures on the following topics, and 2) group presentations to be given by the students. The order and/or content of the lectures are subject to revision as needed.
A final exam will be given at the end of the semester.

1)《Lectures》 1st~11th classes
1st~2nd classes: Orientation/ Changing tastes and lifestyles in Japan/ Annual traditions and rituals
3rd~4th classes: The aesthetic sensitivities of the Japanese
5th~6th classes: Communicating with the Japanese/ Japanese attitudes and values/ Japanese thinking patterns
7th~9th classes: Marriage in Japan and the Japanese family ―pre and post WWII―/ Preparing for the group presentations
10th~11th classes: The Japanese and work/ Preparing for the group presentations

2)《Group presentations》 12th~14th classes
The last three classes will be used for the students’ group presentations (3-4 members per group). The presentations will be conducted in English on an aspect of Japanese culture or society (past or present) of the group’s choice. Details of the presentation schedule and guidelines will be explained during the first class.

・Final exam
・Feedback class (specific date and time to be announced)
Evaluation Methods and Policy 成績判定は以下によって行う。
(1) 期末試験(40%)
(2) 発表(40%)
(3) グループ発表の質疑応答への参加度合い(20%)

The student's final grade will be based on the following.
(1) Final exam (40%)
(2) Presentation (40%)
(3) Contribution to Q&A sessions following the group presentations (20%)
・Although the presentation listed in (2) is a group presentation, each student will be evaluated individually based on his/her part of the presentation and contribution to the group effort.
・The evaluation for (3) will be made based on the content of the “Question/Comment Sheets” to be submitted by the students after the group presentations.
Course Requirements 初回の授業からすべて参加すること。学期末に行われる発表は全員必須。
Be sure to attend all of the classes from day one. The final presentation is required of all students taking this course.
The instructor's lectures will be given in English at natural speed. Students taking this course are expected to be able to follow the lectures and take an active part in the class.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) グループ発表では、グループのメンバーと協力し、各自責任をもって必要な準備・練習を行うこと。
For the group presentations, students are expected to cooperate with the members of their group and to do their fair share in preparing for and rehearsing their presentation.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 授業中に資料を配布する。
Handouts will be provided in class.
References, etc. 1) Varley, Paul, Japanese Culture: Fourth Edition, University of Hawai'i Press, 2000.
2) Hendry, Joy, Understanding Japanese Society, Fourth edition, Routledge, 2013.
3) Sugimoto, Yoshio, An Introduction to Japanese Society, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
4) Davies, Roger J. and Ikeno, Osamu (editors), The Japanese Mind: Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture, Tuttle Publishing, 2002.
5) Martinez, D. P. (editor), Modern Japanese Culture and Society, Volumes I-IV, Routledge Library of Modern Japan, 2007.