ILAS Seminar-E2 :Frontiers in Theoretical Physics II

Numbering Code U-LAS70 10002 SE50 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type seminar
Target Year Mainly 1st year students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Wed.5
Instructor name Antonio De Felice (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course We will approach the frontiers of physics by reading articles in English from Physics Today. There will be a focus on astrophysics-related topics, but the course will cover the entire range of physics including, for example, quantum mechanics and fluid dynamics. The papers discussed here will be different from those in "Frontiers in Theoretical Physics I," and each seminar will consist of three parts: first, I will give a lecture-style introduction to the topic; then one of the students will present the content of a paper which all of us will have read in advance; followed by a general discussion of the material and, perhaps, suggestions of new ideas. The class will be small, informal and interactive.

英語で「Physics Today」の論文を読んで物理学の最前線に取り組みます。この科目では、宇宙物理学に関するトピックに焦点が当てられますが、量子力学や流体力学などの物理学の全範囲をカバーします。この科目の内容は「理論物理学最前線 I」と異なります。各回の講義は次の3つのパートから構成されます:まず、私が講義スタイルでトピックの紹介を行います。その後、全員が事前に読んだ論文の内容を、学生の一人が発表します。最後に、全員が新しいアイディアや提案について議論します。このコースは小規模で、インタラクティブに進める予定です。
Course Goals The primary goal of the course is to gain an overview of recent developments in physics, as well as a deeper understanding of selected aspects. Students will also be encouraged to reflect critically upon methodological issues in physics. At the same time, the course aims to improve students' skills of English conversation and text comprehension. This is particularly important since basically all research is published in English.

Schedule and Contents 1. In the first week, I will discuss a paper so that students can gauge typical contents of the articles and the style of presentation;
2. The students will present papers in turn, and the cycle will depend on the total number of class attendees.
If suitable, papers may also be presented in groups;
3. There will be no class or test during the exam week;
4. I will provide a course summary for the feedback session taking place after the end of exams.
5. In total, at most 14 classes will be offered (one for each week of the semester) plus one feedback.

1. 最初の週に、学生が論文の内容と発表の方法を考えられるように、私が典型的な論文を提示します。
2. 毎週、学生は順番に英語で論文の発表を行います。発表回数などは出席者の総数に依存します。グループで発表することもできます。
3. 試験の週に、セミナーやテストはありません。
4. 試験の週の後に行われるフィードバックセッションで、私がコース要約を提供します。
5. 合計で授業日が14回(各週1回)、フィードバックが1回設けられます。
Evaluation Methods and Policy There is no final examination. The evaluation will be based upon students' attendance and contributions in class.

Course Requirements Interest in physics! Prior knowledge of advanced topics, though beneficial, is not required.

物理学への興味! 高度なトピックの予備知識は有益ですが、必須ではありません。
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Every week, students will be expected to read or prepare one paper in advance.

Textbooks Textbooks/References To be determined/未定
References, etc. Introduced during class/授業中に紹介する