Engineering Internship DS

Numbering Code G-ENG35 6V019 PJ71
G-ENG34 6V019 PJ71
Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits 4 Course Type Practical training
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name TSUCHIYA TOSHIYUKI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
KUROSE RYOUICHI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The purpose is to experience advanced studies related to mechanical engineering by the relatively long term research in domestic or foreign companies, universities and institutes, etc., and to learn the way of thinking and methodology.
Course Goals The goal of the internship is to master a general method of thinking and methodology at Mechanical Engineering. Furthermore, motivate oneself to study and think about one's career development and to develop communication skill in group work and in international network.
Schedule and Contents As a general rule, the internship should meet the above purpose. The duration should be not less than 12 weeks.
Submission of a report and presentation in a report meeting after you finish the internship are required.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Credits (4) are approved based on the summary report (50%) and presentation (50%) about the internship activities.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Consult with the internship host location.