Introduction to the Design and Implementation of Micro-Systems

Numbering Code G-ENG56 6V202 SE77 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language English Day/Period Fri.4
Instructor name TSUCHIYA TOSHIYUKI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
YOKOKAWA RYUUJI (Graduate School of Engineering Professor)
BANERJEE, Amit (Graduate School of Engineering Senior Lecturer)
HIROTANI JUN (Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This is a joint lecture with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Tsing-Hua University. A team consists of two students from each University work together to fullfill the assignment (design a microsystem) through paper survey, analysis,design, and presentation. A student can acquire not only the basic knowledge of a microsystem, but also comprehensive ability of English such as technical knowledge in English, skill for team work, and communication.
Course Goals Acquire the knowledge and skill to design and analyze a microsystem.
Schedule and Contents * Tutorial on microsystem CAD software, 2times
Master CAD program for microsystem design and analysis which will be utilized to accomplish an assignment.
* Lecture and Task Introduction,2times
Learn basic knowledge necessary to design a microsystem/MEMS(Micro Electromechaical Systems) utilizing microfabrication technology.
* Design and analysis work, 4times
Analyze and design a microsystem by communicating with a team member
* Presentation I, 2times
The designed device and its analyzed results is presented in detail by team in English.
* Evatuation of device, 3times
Evaluate the fabricated microsystem.
* Presentation II, 2times
The measured results and comparison between the analyzed results of the fabricated microsystem is presented by team in English.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 【Evaluation method】
 Evaluation will be based on presentatins (60 points) and the end of the term assignments (40 points).
【Evaluation standard】
 Presentations are evaluated with not only design, simulation and measurement results of device, but also collaboration among their team members.
Course Requirements Students are required to take the 10G204 course Microfabrication provided in 1st term.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) The class is a problem-solving class. Learning and work outside the lecture hours are indispensable.
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