Applied Meteorology IIA

Numbering Code G-SCI31 65052 LJ58 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period
Instructor name TAKEMI TETSUYA (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 大気境界層は、私たちの身近な生活空間であるとともに気象災害の直接的な原因となる極端現象の生じる空間である。本講義では、大気境界層に関する理解のために大事な流体力学と熱力学の基礎的な事項について気象学の立場から概観し、大気境界層の諸現象と基礎的な理論体系について学び、実際の環境・防災に係る諸問題について考えることを目的とする。

The atmospheric boundary layer is our living space and the space in which meteorological disasters due to extreme weather occur. In this lecture, some fundamentals of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics that are essential to the understanding of boundary layer meteorology are introduced. Then, boundary-layer meteorological phenomena and their theoretical aspects are explained. Some issues related to atmospheric environment and disaster prevention are discussed.
Course Goals 大気科学に関する文献や論文を読む際に、大気境界層に関する部分を理解できるあるいは理解するための道筋を自分で辿れるだけのスキルを体得することを目標とする。

The goal of this lecture is to foster students' capability to understand or, at least, to find the way toward understanding the issues relating to atmospheric boundary layer when they fins them in reading textbook or research papers.
Schedule and Contents 以下の課題について、1課題あたり1~2週の授業をする予定である。


The topics covered are the followings:
1. Fluid dynamics and boundary-layer theory (Takemi)
2. Atmospheric thermodynamics (Takemi)
3. Surface layer structure and the similarity theory (Takemi)
4. Boundary layer and cloud (Takemi)
5. Air-sea interaction (Yoshida)
6. Turbulence modeling and simulation (Takemi)
7. Large-eddy simulation and the application to environmental problems (Takemi)
8. Application to Meteorological disaster and atmospheric diffusion (Takemi)
Course Requirements 大学学部レベルの基礎的な数学(微積分・微分方程式・ベクトル解析)および物理学(力学)を履修していることが望ましい。

Basic knowledge in mathematics (calculus, differential equation, vector analysis) and physics (dynamics) at an undergraduate level is desirable.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 事前配布した資料に基づき予習すること。

Students are required to go through the resume before the lecture. It is recommended to trace the derivations of equations that are skipped in the lecture as post-lecture exercise.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 講義内容の資料を配布する。

Resume is provided for each lecture.