Epidemiology I

Numbering Code P-PUB01 8H118 LB90 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Professional degree students Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name NAKAYAMA TAKEO (Graduate School of Medicine Professor)
SATO TOSIYA (Graduate School of Medicine Professor)
MIURA KATSUYUKI (Part-time Lecturer)
ISHIZAKI TATSURO (Part-time Lecturer)
TABARA YASUHARU (Part-time Lecturer)
OKABAYASHI SATOE (Agency for Health, Safety and Environment Assistant Professor)
MATSUZAKI KEIICHI (Agency for Health, Safety and Environment Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This course is one of the required classes of school of public health. Epidemiology is defined as follows: the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified population, and the application of this study to control of health problems. Epidemiology is regarded as the basis of public health / clinical research and evidence-based practice. This is a scientific discipline that explores the cause, risk factor, prognosis of disease, and related factors. The course comprises systematic lectures on principles and methodologies of epidemiology for beginners.
Course Goals ・Understanding basis concepts and methodologies of epidemiology
・Being familiar with terminology of epidemiology.
・Being capable of applying epidemiologic methods for clinical practice, research and health policy.
Schedule and Contents Lectures and Hands-on practice will be provided online.(tentative)
Please prepare your PC and the Internet.
1 April 8 3rd introduction (NAKAYAMA)
2 April 8 4th cohort study / case-control study(NAKAYAMA)
3 April 15 3rd Epidemiology leaned by historical cases (SATO)
4 April 22 3rd intervention study (OKABAYASHI)
5 April 22 4th Follow-up study (MATSUZAKI)
6 May 13 3rd recent topics on epidemiology(NAKAYAMA)
7 May 13 4th geriatric epidemiology(ISHIZAKI)
8 May 20 3th special topic (NAKAYAMA)
May 27 3rd Test
Special lecture (MIURA, TABARA)
Evaluation Methods and Policy examination 80%, short report for each lecture 20%
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Rather than spending more time on your preparation, please put more energy into the review.
Textbooks Textbooks/References The material necessary for the lecture will be provided by lecturers.
References, etc. Ebidensu wo tsukuru, Kawamura T, (Igaku shoin)
Rinsho kenkyu to ekigaku kenkyu no tameno kokusai rurushu, Nakayama T & Tsutani K, (Life science shuppan)
Zusetsu Kokumin Eisei no doko, Kosei Tokei Kyokai, (Kosei Tokei Kyokai)
Rothman no ekigaku, Yano E & Hashimoto H, (Shinohara shuppan shinsha)
Yonde wakaru! Ekigakunyumon, Rodolfo Saracci, (Taishukan shoten)