Medical Sociology

Numbering Code P-PUB01 8H103 LB90 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Professional degree students Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name IWAKUMA MIHO (Graduate School of Medicine Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Course Description
Medical sociology is a “scholarly discipline which investigates global issues concerning sickness, health, and medicine using sociological theories and methods.” (“Sociology of health and medicine” by Yamazaki et al, 2001)
This course covers, in addition to sociology, such areas as anthropology, communication studies, history, philosophy, and/or ethics.

Course Goals Course Goals and Objectives
 Understanding general ideas about medical sociology
 Understanding frameworks, theories, and concepts that are relevant to medical sociology
 Finding own research domain in medical sociology
 Providing perspectives and vocabularies for medicine from humanities and social sciences
Schedule and Contents 1) 6/7 Introduction
2) 6/14 Basics of medical sociology
3) 6/21 Sick role, stigma & other concepts of medical sociology
4) 6/28 Guest lecture on IPE/IPW
5)6) 7/5 Community Based Inclusive Development(CBID) Workshop【3 hours】
7) 7/12 Course wrap-up
Evaluation Methods and Policy Course Grade
Participation 50%
Term paper 50% (title 15% + final version 35%)
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Lectures, group-work, and/or discussion