Numbering Code | P-PUB01 8M001 LJ90 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ Irregular, First semester | |
Number of Credits | 2 | Course Type | Lecture | |
Target Year | Professional degree students | Target Student | ||
Language | Japanese | Day/Period | ||
Instructor name |
TERANISHI YUTAKA (Graduate School of Medicine Project Professor) SUZUKI SHINOBU (Graduate School of Medicine Program-Specific Professor) YAMAGUCHI TARO (Graduate School of Medicine Program-Specific Senior Lecturer) TAKAYAMA KOJIRO (Graduate School of Medicine Program-Specific Assistant Professor) YOSHIKAWA TOMOSADA (Part-time Lecturer) YOTSUMOTO KENICHI (Part-time Lecturer) |
Outline and Purpose of the Course |
Course overview ・Emphasis is placed on learning general-purpose business management techniques in the first half of the course. We combine lectures with case study exercises to make use of the thinking styles and basic business management techniques required of entrepreneurs. ・Lectures and workshops (focusing on the creation of business plans and concepts) will be combined in the second half of the course. We also touch upon characteristics of the industrial structure of the medical and pharmaceutical industry as well as the latest topics in the field. ・Prioritized themes change each year, and this year, we address two themes: design thinking /business models and venture business development. In the former, students will learn the skills necessary to create business models based on design thinking. In the latter, students will learn venture-specific methods of financing (including venture capital financing, public financial institutions, leasing, industrial finance etc.) and the skills to create business plans, through lectures and exercises. Methods of education and learning ・This course will involve lectures, case study exercises, and workshops. There will be small group presentations on case study exercises and workshops. |
Course Goals |
・Acquire skills as a medical entrepreneur by utilizing thinking styles, business management techniques, and industry-related knowledge obtained from this course. ・Acquire abilities to handle the process right from the search for business seeds all the way through to formulating business development plans. ・The ultimate aim of this course is to produce and develop talent with the qualities of both entrepreneurs and researchers, and to contribute toward increasing the probability of successful commercialization. |
Schedule and Contents |
Session 1, April 11: Orientation Session 2, April 18: Business Model and Profit Structure Session 3, April 25: Optimal Business Models and Strategy Session 4, May 9: How to Read Financial Statements (External Lecturer) Session 5, May 16: Short Case Exercise (Using a profit and loss statement) Session 6, May 23: Legal, Accounting, and Tax Affairs Relating to Founding a Company (External Lecturer) Session 7, May 30: Presentation of Individuals' Business Ideas Session 8, June 6: Fundraising (External Lecturer) Session 9, June 13: Development of Science Cafe-Format Ideas (Team-up) Session 10, June 20:The Food Truck Challenge (External Lecturer) Session 11, June 27: Mid-Term Presentation Session 12, July 4: New Business Development (External Lecturer) Session 13, July 11: A History of Overseas ventures (External Lecturer) Session 14, July 25: Business Model Competition Session 15, July 25: Business Model Competition * Owing to scheduling requirements, we plan to hold Sessions 14 and 15 on the same day (July 25). * The schedule is subject to change based on the availability of external lecturers. |
Evaluation Methods and Policy |
The following three points shall be considered and assessed comprehensively: (1) Class participation (including attendance), frequency of speaking up (presentations during case study exercises, active participation in discussions, etc.) (2) Teamwork (3) Business Model Presentation (or report submission) |
Course Requirements | This course is mandatory for IP, and an elective for MPH. | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | It is essential for the teams responsible to carry out research while creating their business models. | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References |
Other required texts: None. Powerpoint presentations created by the lecturers are used instead of texts. Reference materials will also be presented as appropriate during lectures. Recommended texts: "バイオデザイン", (Baiodezain, 'Biodesign') Stefanos Zenios, Josh McCower et al. (Yakuji Nippo) "コーポレートファイナンス第6版上・下", (Kooporeeto Fainansu Dai Roku Ban, 'Corporate Finance 6th Ed., Vols. 1&2') Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers (Nikkei BP) "ビジネスモデル・ジェネレーション:ビジネスモデル設計書" (Bijinesu Jenereeshon: Bijinesu Moderu Sekkeisho, 'Business Generation: Business Model Design Plans') Alex Osterwalder (Shoheisha) "リーン・スタートアップ" (Riin Sutaatoappu 'Lean Startups')Eric Ries (Nikkei BP) |
References, etc. | Introduced during class |