Practicum for Intellectual Properties Protection Law

Numbering Code P-PUB01 8M007 SJ90 Year/Term 2022 ・ Irregular, Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Professional degree students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period
Instructor name TOMA HIROFUMI (Part-time Lecturer)
SOJYO ISAMU (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course I. Course overview
・Students are given an overview of how intellectual property in the fields of chemistry and biosciences (life sciences) is protected and used in Japan with reference to court cases. They also learn about the current state of the field and related issues.
・Students get to analyze the essence of and trends visible in past judgments and learn the basic methodologies necessary to protect and utilize intellectual property properly.
・Students learn about the current state of intellectual property in the field of life sciences.
Course Goals II. Course attainment goals (What you can expect to have learned by the end of this course):
・Together with analyzing key issues in important judgments to understand their logical significance, acquire the practical skills necessary to protect intellectual property appropriately through specific case exercises.
・By studying the essence of past judgment cases and recent trends, acquire practical capabilities with respect to methods of protection and use of intellectual property specific to the life sciences field.
・Further your understanding of the current state of intellectual property in field of life science.

III. Methods of education and learning
・Students will be taught through lectures relying on PowerPoint presentations and discussions and exercises using case materials.
Schedule and Contents Session 1, October 3: Orientation and General Remarks
Session 2, October 17: The Importance of Recognizing Inventors
Session 3, October 17: How to Read Trial Decisions and Judgments, The Judgment System
Session 4, October 24: Litigation rescinding a trial decision (Novelty and inventive step)
Session 5, October 31:Professor Sojyo: Aiming for Intellectual Capital Management
Session 6, November 7: Litigation rescinding a trial decision (Inventive steps)
Session 7, November 14: Litigation rescinding a trial decision (Description requirements, amendments, and corrections)
Session 8, November 28: Professor Kumagai: The Role of Trial and Appeal
Session 9, December 5: Case Studies (Inventive steps) (Presentation and discussion)
Session 10, December 12: Litigation rescinding a trial decision (Applications to register a patent term extension)
Session 11, December 19: Patent Infringement Lawsuits (1): Efficacy of Patent Rights, the Technical Scope of Patented Inventions
Session 12, December 19: Patent Infringement Lawsuits (2): Doctrine of Equivalence, Defense
Session 13, January 16: Patent Infringement Lawsuits (3): Indirect Infringements
Session 14, January 16: Case Study (Infringement litigation) (Presentation and discussion)
Session 15, January 23: Professor Kumagai: The Patent System in General
No examination

*The schedule is subject to change based on the availability of external lecturers.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Comprehensive assessment will be made based on class participation (including attendance) and submission of assignment reports.
Course Requirements This course is mandatory for IP, and an elective for MPH.

A basic knowledge of the practice of patent law (patent requirements, inspection criteria, etc.) is recommended.
Students should have already taken or should concurrently take the following courses: "Advanced Patent Law and Practice" (first and second semesters).
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Students should study the judgments to be introduced in lectures in advance and identify relevant issues.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Other required texts: None. Necessary materials will be distributed during lectures.
Recommended text: "別冊ジュリスト 特許判例百選 第5版 (No.244)" (Betsuban Jurisuto Tokkyo Hanrei Hyakusen Dai Go Ban,'The Jurist: 100 Selected Precedents on Patents' Supplementary Volume, 6th Ed.) (Issued August 2019)
References, etc. Introduced during class