7431001Geography (Special Lectures)

Numbering Code G-LET31 67431 LJ39 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type special lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.2
Instructor name MIZUNO KAZUHARU (Graduate School of Letters Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The outline and purpose of the course:
The climate environments vary in each area of the world. People have built individual societies and cultures in diverse natural environments. During this course, I will select some areas of the world and outline their climate, topography, vegetation, soil, water conditions and so on. I will also discuss about the following points. How have people historically settled in such environments? How have people made use of nature? How has long-term or abnormal climatic changes, such as global warming, affected nature as well as human activities? [lecture will be given in Japanese]

Course Goals Goals:
At the end of the semester, you should be able to understand the composite action of natural environments such as climate, topography, vegetation, and soil, and the relationship between the natural environments and human activities. You should also be able to grasp the diverse societies and cultures across the natural environments.
Schedule and Contents The plan and contents:
1. The nature, society, and culture of Polynesia
2. Historical environmental change of Africa
3. Habitats of vegetation in the Japan Alps and Daisetsu Mountains and their change over 30 years (two week study)
4. Nature and people of Africa (two weeks)
5. Environmental change and vegetation succession in Mt. Kenya and Kilimanjaro four weeks)
6. Nature, plants, animals, and people in the Namib Desert (three weeks)
7. Nature and people in the Andes Mountains
8. Feedback
Evaluation Methods and Policy Grading system:
Evaluation will be based on class attendance (active participation) (70%) and quizzes (30%).
Course Requirements Curriculum condition:
You should bring an atlas of the world to the class.
You will be able to understand this lecture without any pre-existing knowledge.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Preparation and review of classes:
You should check your comprehension from time-to-time and ask me things you do not understand well.
References, etc. 気候変動で読む地球史-限界地帯の自然と植生から-, 水野一晴, (NHKブックス、2016年), ISBN:978-4-14-091240-9
世界がわかる地理学入門-気候・地形・動植物と人間生活, 水野一晴, (ちくま新書、2018年), ISBN:978-4-480-07125-5
世界と日本の地理の謎を解く, 水野一晴, (PHP新書、2021年), ISBN:978-4-569-84948-5
自然のしくみがわかる地理学入門, 水野一晴, (角川ソフィア文庫、2021年), ISBN:978-4-04-400647-1