
Numbering Code G-LET49 8M603 LJ36 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type special lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.2
Instructor name ISEDA TETSUJI (Graduate School of Letters Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Using Iseda et al eds. Kagaku Gijutsu Wo Yoku Kangaeru (Thinking Critically on Science and Technology) as the textbook, participants of this class learn a way of thinking from diverse perspectives systematically, through discussing various issues that arises at the interface between science and technology on the one hand and society on the other. Graduate curriculums in science fields tend not to spend time for studying science-society relationship. On the other hand, as is conspicuously shown in the harsh situation after the Eastern Japan Earthquake of 2011, science and technology have such a grave influence on contemporary society that it is highly desirable that researchers think about social implications of their own research and talk with people outside of the academic world on such matters. The purpose of this class is to try to meet such needs by cultivating wide perspective and appropriate thinking skills in graduate students.
Course Goals Knowing what a critical thinking (CT) is, and acquiring some basic skills of CT.
Learning basic concepts in Science, Technology and Society (STS), along with acquiring the skill to discuss using such concepts.
Schedule and Contents The class consists of a combination of thematic group discussions, class discussions, lectures and exercises (all basically in Japanese).

The textbook discusses the following ten topics, but we will pick up six of them in this class, spending about two weeks for each topic, including some exercises on relevant knowledge and skills. The selection reflects participants interests to some extent.
- GMO -practical application of neuroscience
-smoking -breast cancer screening
-blood-type character assessment -global warming
-predicting earthquake -public investment on space science/technology
-animal experimentation
-legitimacy of discussing critically on the atomic bombing in WWII

The three discussion themes for the first half of the class will be decided on the first meeting. The three themes for the second half will be decided on the fifth meeting.

The class proceeds as follows.

Introduction (1 meeting)
Thematic discussions (12 meetings)
summary and feedback (2 meetings)
Evaluation Methods and Policy The precondition of issuing credits is attending more than two thirds of the class meetings.
70% of the grade comes from active participation in the class, and 30% comes from the evaluation of submitted assignments.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) It is essential that all the participants read beforehand the part of textbook on which discussion will focus. In addition, be ready for regular homework.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 科学技術をよく考える クリティカルシンキング練習帳, 伊勢田哲治ほか編, (名古屋大学出版会)
References, etc. 哲学思考トレーニング, 伊勢田哲治, (ちくま新書)
新版 論理トレーニング, 野矢茂樹, (産業図書)