
Numbering Code G-LET49 89633 LJ48 Year/Term 2022 ・ Year-round
Number of Credits 4 Course Type lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.5
Instructor name KOMATSU HISAE (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Hindi is the official language of the immense nation of India, which is anticipated to play a major role in the world of the 21st century. Students will learn elementary Hindi grammar and simple conversation. They will also encounter India’s rapidly changing contemporary society through video and still images and other visual media. Not only students specializing in classical Indian literature but also those who aspire to work in international trade, the diplomatic corps, or technology specialists in the South Asian region are urged to take this course.
Course Goals It is said that one can get along in English in India, but in fact, the number of people who can speak English without any difficulty amounts to less than 5% of the entire population. In order to communicate on a deeper level with Indians, it is essential to learn a local language. We will learn Hindi character and then grammer and simple conversaion.
Schedule and Contents We will proceed at the pace of one textbook lesson per week. The goal is to complete overview of grammar in a year’s time and enable students to read written materials and carry on simple conversations. We will also use movies as appropriate, bringing the students into contact not only with Hindi on audio materials but also with Indian society and customs.

1. introduction
2. character and pronunciation (4weeks)
3. grammer and conversation (9weeks)
4. exam (1week)
5. feedback (1week)
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluated on the basis of attendance and class participation (40%) and written exams (semester exam 30%, year-end exam 30%)
Course Requirements Continuous participation in the class.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) It is required to review the last week's lesson, specially practice questions.
Textbooks Textbooks/References ニューエクスプレス ヒンディー語, 町田和彦, (白水社), ISBN:978-4-560-06791-8, CD ekusupuresu Hindhi [CD Express Hindi] by the same author is a different book, so please don’t mistake it for this one.
Machida Kazuhiko: Nyu ekusupuresu Hindhi go [New Express Hindi] (Hakusuisha Publishing, 2008) ISBN: 978-4-560-06791-8. CD ekusupuresu Hindhi [CD Express Hindi] by the same author is a different book, so please don’t mistake it for this one.
References, etc. Dictionaries will be introduced during the first class session.