1431001Chinese Language and Literature (Special Lectures)
Numbering Code | G-LET11 61431 LJ36 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ First semester | |
Number of Credits | 2 | Course Type | special lecture | |
Target Year | Target Student | |||
Language | Japanese | Day/Period | Tue.1 | |
Instructor name | NAGATA TOMOYUKI (Institute for Research in Humanities Associate Professor) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course | Students will understand the basic structure of Chinese studies by learning the essentials of constructing a catalogue of Chinese classics. | |||
Course Goals | By learning to read and understand the structure and content of all types of Chinese classics catalogues (including databases), students will be able to instantly identify the Chinese classics works they need according to their purpose and use. | |||
Schedule and Contents |
Classes will present explanations of Chinese classes cataloguing methods and how to collect bibliographical information. Content and order of class sessions is subject to change depending on course progress. 1. Guidance 2. Definition of Chinese classics (relationship between Chinese classics and catalogues) 3. Purpose of creating cards (bibliography basics) 4. Titles (setting index titles) 5. Titles (compilations and anthologies) 6. Titles (identifying Chinese classics) 7. Volume numbers (bibliography characteristics) 8. Compilers (the shape of their participation in publications) 9. Compilers (information on people who have contributed to publications) 10. Time annotations (reprinting methods) 11. Time annotations (publication year and publisher) 12. Time annotations (original text indications) 13. Time annotations (special information) 14. Creating library, source, and topography cards 15. Summary Feedback methods will be indicated during class. |
Evaluation Methods and Policy |
The primary method will be reports, with the addition of points for class participation. Grades will be based 60% on reports and 40% on class participation. High marks will be given to reports that were created in a way that clearly shows a proactive approach, referencing original texts, etc. |
Course Requirements | None | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | Independently read each type of document introduced in class. | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References | Other, printouts distributed during class. | ||
References, etc. | 清水茂 『中国目録学』 (筑摩書房) ISBN:4480836055, 井波陵一 『知の座標 中国目録学』 (白帝社) ISBN:9784891746346, 京都大学人文科学研究所附属漢字情報研究センター編集 『漢籍目録―カードのとりかた』 (朋友書店) ISBN:9784892811067 | |||
Related URL | http://kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kanseki (National Chinese Classics database), http://kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/db-machine/toho/html/top.html (Eastern studies digital library), https://catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/opac_download_md/5592/2006%E6%BC%A2%E7%B1%8D%E7%9B%AE%E9%8C%B2%E5%85%A5%E9%96%80(%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99).pdf (漢籍目録入門(資料)(中里見敬氏)), https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/130672/1/kogusho.pdf (工具書について―漢籍の整理―(永田知之)), https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jcul/106/0/106_1493/_pdf/-char/ja (漢籍整理備忘録―中国の古典籍・古文書の理解のために―(小島浩之氏)) |