5745005Aesthetics and Art History (Seminars)

Numbering Code G-LET09 75745 SJ34 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.3
Instructor name KODERA RIE (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course We will read and discuss the following work on issues regarding the reception of the French painter Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) in France.
(Continued from the previous academic year)

Laure Caroline Semmer, Cezannne, une histoire francaise, Scala, 2011.
Course Goals Learn about the methodological suppositions and specific techniques in "reception" studies.
Schedule and Contents Week 1: Guidance (We will conduct a survey of students on their reasons for taking the class, area of expertise, etc.)
Week 2: Based on the surveys, information will be provided to students individually.
Week 3: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 4: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 5: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 6: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 7: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 8: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 9: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 10: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 11: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 12: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 13: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 14: At every class session, students will translate Laure Caroline Semmer's work line by line.
Week 15: Feedback (We will conduct a survey in which students will outline their points of doubt or improvement for the class, as well as future topics. The instructor will respond to these).
Evaluation Methods and Policy Assessment will be made based on level of achievement regarding the learning goals in translation presentations during the readings in each class session (class participation: 50%), as well as a translation of a French-language text on a topic each student will choose according to their area of expertise (report: 50%).
Course Requirements The planned texts for reading will be distributed on the "guidance" day of class.
Students should have mastered basic knowledge of French grammar.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) For each class session, students should translate the pages planned for reading.
As appropriate, the instructor will encourage supplementary study for close readings of passages assigned in the textbooks and reference books.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 永井隆則 『モダン・アート論再考ー制作の論理から』 (思文閣出版), 永井隆則 『フランス近代美術史の現在ーニュー・アート・ヒストリー以後の視座から』 (三元社), 永井隆則 『方法と探求 フランス近現代美術史を解剖する』 (晃洋書房), 永井隆則 『<場所>で読み解くフランス近代美術』 (三元社), 永井隆則 『セザンヌ受容の研究』 (中央公論美術出版)
References, etc. 永井隆則 『もっと知りたいセザンヌ』 (東京美術), 永井隆則 『越境する造形ー近代の美術とデザインの十字路』 (晃洋書房), 永井隆則 『デザインの力』 (晃洋書房), 永井隆則 『セザンヌ 近代絵画の父とは何か』 (三元社), 永井隆則/大髙保二郎 『ピカソと人類の美術』 (三元社)