6831007West Asian History (Special Lectures)

Numbering Code G-LET25 66831 LJ38 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type special lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.2
Instructor name OBIYA CHIKA (Center for Southeast Asian Studies Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This course examines the various aspects of the historical revision in Central Asia under the Soviet Union, particularly in Uzbekistan, following liberalization through perestroika, independence, and finally, the dissolution of the USSR. The course aims to deepen students’ understanding of modern Central Asia and the diverse historical narratives.
Course Goals Students will be able to understand the flow of history of contemporary Central Asia (corresponding to the period of Russian imperial rule to the formation of the Soviet Union, followed by its dissolution until the present) and the basic perspectives on ethnicity and history as well as the characteristics of historical narratives in Central Asia from the Soviet era to the present.
Schedule and Contents Week 1 to 2: Outline of the former Soviet Central Asia region
Week 3 to 4: Ethnohistorical narratives
Week 5 to 7: Perestroika and historical revision
Week 8 to 9: New nationalism and historical studies after the independence of Central Asian countries
Week 10 to 12: Inverted roles on who evaluates whom (Timur, Jadid movement, Basmachi movement)
Week 13 to 14: The new official history
Week 15: Summary
Evaluation Methods and Policy Based on participation (30%) and semester-end paper (70%)
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Students must review the lecture contents after each class and read the listed reference materials, etc. for a deeper understanding and examination.
Textbooks Textbooks/References No textbook assigned.
References, etc. 宇山智彦(編著) 『中央アジアを知るための60章』』 (明石書店) ISBN:978-4-7503-3137-9 中央アジア研究の入門書, 小松久男 『革命の中央アジア―あるジャディードの肖像』 (東京大学出版会) ISBN:4-13-025027-2, essential readings on Central Asia during the Russian Revolution; 宇山智彦 『「カザフ民族史再考―歴史記述の問題によせて」『地域研究論集』Vol.2, No. 1 (1999)』 (国立民族学博物館地域研究企画交流センター) , a paper discussing the basic philosophy of Soviet Central Asia’s historical writing; 帯谷知可 『「英雄の復活―現代ウズベキスタン・ナショナリズムのなかのティムール」酒井啓子・臼杵陽編『イスラーム地域の国家とナショナリズム』』 (東京大学出版会) ISBN:4-13-034185-5, works discussing the review of Central Asian nationalism and history after the collapse of the Soviet Union; 帯谷知可編 『ウズベキスタンを知るための60章』 (明石書店) ISBN:9784750346373, an introduction to Uzbekistan area studies