M292002Japanese History (Seminars)

Numbering Code G-LET23 7M292 SJ38 Year/Term 2022 ・ Year-round
Number of Credits 4 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.3
Instructor name YOSHIKAWA SHINJI (Graduate School of Letters Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course In this course, we will intensively read the Jogan-era laws contained in 『類聚三代格』 in chronological order, enhance our understanding of the history of the Nara and Heian period, and consider research methods for ancient history.
 The Jogan laws are a collection of laws and ordinances compiled in the year 869. They organize imperial edicts, essays, and grand state council notes according to government office, from 820 to 868, and include miscellaneous and provisional laws, making a total of 12 volumes. These are important historical materials for considering the transformation of the legal code system, and the majority have been passed down after being categorized by their content into the 『類聚三代格』. In this seminar, we will intensively read the Jogan laws and ordinances in chronological order.
Course Goals To gain advanced reading comprehension skills for fundamental historical materials related to ancient Japanese history.
Schedule and Contents Session 1: Introduction
 The professor will explain the overview of the Jogan laws and assign sections to be led by each class member.
Sessions 2~29: Intensive reading of Jogan laws and ordinances included in 『類聚三代格』
 We will intensively read and discuss the content of Jogan laws and ordinances included in 『類聚三代格』. Since progress will vary greatly depending on the content of the article and the proficiency level of the leader, I cannot indicate the plan for each class session, but in general, we will read one document per week. The leader will be expected to appropriately interpret and assess the document after understanding the research history and covering related historical materials. Other class members must also prepare for class and give remarks during it. Those who remain silent throughout class will no longer be eligible to attend.
Session 30: Summary
 We will summarize the results of the intensive readings and discuss remaining issues and doubts as a class. If we were unable to finish reading at a convenient point, we may also use this time to supplement the reading.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Assessments will be based on class participation. Consideration will be given to reports (50 points) and participation in discussions (50 points).
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Read the laws and ordinances that will be covered in the upcoming class session.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 『新訂増補国史大系 類聚三代格』 (吉川弘文館) Be sure to purchase the text
References, etc. Other, none