M292001Japanese History (Seminars)

Numbering Code G-LET23 7M292 SJ38 Year/Term 2022 ・ Year-round
Number of Credits 4 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.5
Instructor name MIYAKE MASAHIRO (Graduate School of Letters Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course In this course, we will read the documents of samurai families in the early-modern times. In some cases, printed historical materials are used, but in general, we will read original documents written in kuzushi-letters. While considering the political and social conditions of the time and grasping the historical characteristics of early-modern samurai documents, students will develop the ability to select the knowledge necessary for understanding the document and grasping the relationship with documents written before or after as well as the textual structure of historical materials. Through such work, students will learn to accurately read and understand various historical materials from the early-modern times, which were not limited to samurai documents, and the perspectives and methods to be used in research. While refining the ability to read historical materials, which is the foundation and pillar of research, the course aims for students to acquire the methodology to determine the characteristics of a modern nation and society.
Course Goals Students will be able to not only read early-modern historical materials accurately, but also acquire the ability to search for related historical materials and find and examine problems.
Schedule and Contents 1. Introduction
 I will explain the historical materials to be covered including the introduction of the materials for reference, how to prepare the reading reports, and decide on the allocation of reading reports to students.

1 to 29. Individual reports based on careful reading of historical materials
 Each student will read and analyzes the assigned portion of the text, and explain, and we will discuss with all participants.

30. Summary
 Summarize the findings from the course and discuss remaining issues and questions.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Students will be comprehensively evaluated with emphasis on their individual reports of the assigned text sections.
Course Requirements Have the ability to read the kuzushi-writing in documents from early modern times.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) In addition to instructions given in class, students should use their own judgement to do what is necessary.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Other. Historical materials will be distributed during class.
References, etc. Introduced during class.