
Numbering Code G-INF06 53627 LJ10 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.2
Instructor name MINATO SHINICHI (Graduate School of Informatics Professor)
KAWAHARA JUN (Graduate School of Informatics Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 離散アルゴリズムに関する最近の話題を講述する。計算量理論の基本事項を述べた後、分割統治法や動的計画法などのアルゴリズムの基本技法、および近似アルゴリズムやオンラインアルゴリズムなどの実用的技法を概観する。さらに、論理、集合、文字列、順列等の大規模離散構造データを効率よく扱うための最新のアルゴリズム技法を紹介する。

This course several basic ideas dealing with new trends within the field of discrete algorithms. We first review fundamental items on complexity theory, and then, learn basic algorithm techniques such as divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, as well as some practical techniques of approximation algorithms and online algorithms. We also learn latest algorithmic techniques for efficiently manipulating discrete structure data such as logic, set, sequences and permutations.
Course Goals 制約充足,組合せ最適化,種々の離散構造処理を行うためのアルゴリズムの新しい流れを,設計と解析の両面において理解する.

To understand the new trends of algorithms in terms of both their
design and analysis, for solving the problems of satisfiability, combinatorial optimization, and various kinds of discrete structure manipulation.
Schedule and Contents ・導入(1回)

・Introduction (1 lecture)
・Fundamental items on complexity theory (2 lectures)
・Satisfiablility and SAT solvers (2 lectures)
・Combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms (3 lectures)
・Boolean function manipulation using BDDs (3 lectures)
・Discrete structure manipulation systems based on BDDs/ZDDs (3 lectures)
・Term-end examination
Evaluation Methods and Policy 期末試験(約90%)および演習(約10%)により評価する。

A term-end examination (about 90%) and exercises (about 10%)
Course Requirements アルゴリズムや計算理論に関する学部科目を履修していることが望ましい。

Students are expected to have some prior knowledge on algorithms and/or computation theory.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) ・毎回の講義資料は講義前にwebページで提供する.

・Lecture materials will be provided on the web page before each classroom.
・Students are required to solve small exercises given at each classroom.
・Answers of the exercises will be provided after each classroom for self-study.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 講義資料はwebページで提供する.

Lecture materials will be provided on the web page of the class.