
Numbering Code G-INF04 63434 LJ54
G-INF04 63434 LJ55
G-INF04 63434 LJ13
Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, year-round
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Intensive lectures
Target Year 1st year master's students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name NONAKA YOUICHI (Part-time Lecturer)
TAKAHASHI YISHIYASU (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 企業研究者が、システムの計画・評価や運用に不可欠な数理モデルの構築論を、国際標準で定義されるシステムアーキテクチャ論を絡めながら実際の企業研究での体験にもとづき講義する。応用例としては、ITシステム、特に、生産システムのためのモデリング論を教授するとともに、社会基盤(特に、鉄道、電力、通信、水道といったいわゆるライフライン)分野を具体的な対象としてモデリング手法の活用動向を解説する。

Based on their experiences pursuing actual corporate research, corporate researchers present lectures on construction theory for mathematical models, which is indispensable for planning, evaluating, and operating systems, with mentioning system architecture modelling theory defined in the international standards. As an application example, they teach modeling theory for an IT system, especially the production system, and also explain in concrete terms the use trend of the modeling technique used in the public infrastructure field (particularly, so-called lifelines such as railways, water service, communication, and electric power).
Course Goals 実社会におけるシステムの計画・評価や運用についての基礎知識を修得し、数理モデルが果たす役割を理解する。それらをふまえ、自分なりの切り口、アプローチに基づいて 数理モデルを用いたシステムのモデリングができるようになる。

Acquire fundamental knowledge indispensable for realizing real-world IT systems, such as planning, evaluation, and operation. Besides, understand the role of the mathematical model in such system's development. Moreover, get to be able to exercise mathematical modeling from his/her own point of view.
Schedule and Contents I. ITシステム分野のモデリング

II. 社会基盤分野のモデリング

I. Modeling theory in the information technology field (Nonaka):
・Theory of the mathematical model building for production system
・Modeling for supply chain
・Modeling for production system

II. Modeling theory in the public infrastructure field (Takahashi)
・Modeling & optimization for railway service
・Modeling & optimization for water railway
・Required modeling & optimization for a smart city
Evaluation Methods and Policy 数理モデリングとその応用に関する知識や技能が獲得されたことを、講義内での発表や質問回答状況(20%)及びレポート(80%)で評価する。

Evaluation by presentation or answering for an interview in the lecture (20%) and report (80%) for the acquirement of knowledge and skills of mathematical modeling and its applications.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 講義用資料(抜粋)を当日配布します。 その資料を復習してレポートを作成してください。

Handout (possibly summarized) will be given on the day of the lecture. Review it after the lecture to prepare for writing the report.
References, etc. システム制御のための知的情報処理, 舩橋誠壽,吉原郁夫, (朝倉 (1999)), ISBN:9784254209808
Intelligent Information Processing for Systems Control, Funabashi, Yoshihara, (Asakura (1999) (in Japanese))