
Numbering Code G-INF04 53426 LJ55
G-INF04 53426 LJ72
Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Mon.2
Instructor name OOTA YOSHITO (Graduate School of Informatics Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 動的システムのモデリングや最適化理論・推定理論・制御システムの解析に関連した基礎的で重要な問題を取り上げ講述する.前半では,観測に基づいて状態を推定するカルマンフィルタを取り上げる.後半では、システム同定法として,予測誤差法,部分空間同定法などに関して述べる.

This course deals with fundamentally important issues related to dynamical systems modeling and systems analysis. The first half of the course covers Kalman filtering that estimates unknown state variables by observed output signals. The second half of the course treats system identification schemes such as prediction error methods and subspace methods.
Course Goals 動的システムの状態推定を行うカルマンフィルタ,動的システムのモデルを求めるシステム同定法の基礎を習得する.

Students will acquire fundamental knowledge of Kalman filtering that estimates unknown state variables by observed signals and system identification useful in modeling dynamical systems.
Schedule and Contents 前半:カルマンフィルタ

THE FIRST HALF: Kalman Filtering
・Overview(1 lecture), Kalman Filter for Linear Systems (2 lectures), Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Systems (2 lectures), Particle Filter (1 lecture)
THE SECOND HALF: System Identification
・Overview of System Identification and Prediction Error Methods (2 lectures), Non-parametric Identification (1 lecture), Subspace Methods (2 lectures), Persistently Exciting Condition and Data-driven Control (1 lecture), Model Selection and Verification (1 lecture), Bayesian Identification Methods (2 lectures)
Evaluation Methods and Policy フィルタリングとシステム同定法に関する理解度を複数回のレポートにより確認し、情報学研究科成績評価規程第7条による成績評価を行う.

Students' level of understanding about the filtering and the system identification theory is evaluated by several homework assignments.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 参考書や配布するノート等を読み、出題される課題に解答すること.

Students are required to read lecture handouts and the suggested references and solve assigned problems.
References, etc. 非線形カルマンフィルタ, 片山, (朝倉書店,2011), ISBN:978-4254201482
System Identification : Theory for the User, Ljung, (Prentice-Hall ,1999), ISBN:978-0136566953
Filtering and System Identification, Verhaegen, (Cambridge University Press, 2007), ISBN:9780521875127
システム制御のための数学(1), 太田, (コロナ社,2000), ISBN:978-4339033076