Seminar in Environmental Management B
Numbering Code | G-GES32 53008 FB14 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester | |
Number of Credits | 1 | Course Type | Seminar | |
Target Year | Master's students | Target Student | ||
Language | Japanese and English | Day/Period | Intensive | |
Instructor name | Faculty members (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course |
本科目は地球環境学を学ぶものとしての幅広い素養を修得することを目指しており,(a) 実習を通じて野外科学としての環境学の方法を学ぶ野外実習,(b) 環境調査・技術の方法を学ぶ実験実習, (c) 環境学に関わる文献レビューとその発表,からなる.(a)から(c)は受講者の学修計画に応じていずれか一項目を選択する. (なお、今年度は(b),(c)は実施しない。) The aim of this course is to reinforce students' knowledge in the field of global environmental studies. The course offers students three modules: (a) a short-course of group field study; (b) experiments and practical studies in environmental and/or technological research methods, and (c) a literature review on texts related to the student’s major, followed by a presentation, based upon the literature review. Students must also choose to take ONE of the three optional modules ((a), (b), or (c)) in order to complete this course. (In this academic year, neither modules (b) nor (c) will be conducted.) |
Course Goals |
地球環境学に関する幅広い素養を身につける。自らの力で地球環境の理解に必要なデータを収集する能力を養う。 Students are required to learn extensive knowledge of Global Environmental Studies and to develop their faculties to collect data necessary for their own study purposes by themselves |
Schedule and Contents |
(a)野外実習: 主に京都市内での5日間の日帰り実習を行い、里地・森林での生物多様性ならびに野外調査法の基礎を学ぶ。今年度の野外実習は前期前半終了後を予定している。詳細は、後日通知する。 (b)実験実習: 実験系の研究室(ただし、受講生が所属する研究室以外)が提供する環境調査・技術に関する実験実習を2テーマ受講する。1テーマ2日(計4日程度)の受講を予定するが、具体的な実験内容や日程等は後日通知する。 (c)文献レビュー: 文系学生は受講者の専攻するテーマに係わる先行文献を読み、理系学生は学術報文5報程度を読んで、それぞれA4用紙3枚(4000字程度)にまとめ、後日指定する日に発表会を実施する。文献の内容や分量、発表の方法については別途指示を行う。 (なお、今年度 (b),(c)は実施しない。) オンラインで実施することがあるため、KULASIS、PandA等で確認すること. (a) Field study: A five-days field course mainly in Kyoto City after the first half of spring semester, to learn the basics of ecosystems and landscapes as well as field investigation methods. (Details to be announced later). (b) Experiments and practical studies: In this module, students attend two 2-day courses of laboratory work or practical study related to environmental and/or technological research in study fields outside those to which they belong. These activities will take 4 days in total (Details on the study schedules and contents offered in this module will be announced later). (c) Literature review and its presentation: In this module, students read-up upon literature relevant to their field and prepare a short report (up to three A4 pages) reviewing what they have read. Students are required to make a presentation and defence on a designated day (Date to be announced later). Humanities students are requested to read the previous literatures related to their field of study. Students in the sciences are requested to read and review a number of journal papers (Students should consult with their supervisor and the faculty member in charge of this course in order to determine the details (themes and quantities of literatures) of their literature review). (In this academic year, neither modules (b) nor (c) will be conducted.) Check the information on KULASIS and PandA as lessons might be held online. |
Evaluation Methods and Policy |
受講態度における積極性(50%),終了後のレポート(50%)により評価する.特にレポートについては,自ら関連する内容についての知見を深めたものであることを要件とする.到達目標について、地球環境学舎の成績評価基準に従って評価する。 Active participation (50%), and submission of reports (50%) are evaluated. The students are required to include on the reports the results of their own investigation on the discussed topics. Evaluation is based on the criteria for judging performance of GSGES. |
Course Requirements | None | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) |
(a)~(c)でそれぞれ指示する。 To be announced at each module. |
Textbooks | Textbooks/References |
None |
References, etc. |
授業時に述べる。 To be announced at the class. |