Seminar in Environmental Management A

Numbering Code G-GES32 53007 LB14 Year/Term 2022 ・ Irregular, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period
Instructor name WATANABE TETSUHIRO (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Associate Professor)
Faculty members (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 本科目は地球環境学を学ぶものとしての幅広い素養を修得することを目指しており, 我々の考え方の基礎を見つめ直すために外部から講師を招聘して行う特別講義である.

The aim of this course is to reinforce students' knowledge in the field of global environmental studies. The course offers students four modules: a series of special lectures, given by guest lecturers from other institutions; All students are required to take the series of special lectures offered as module.
Course Goals 地球環境や環境マネジメント,地球規模文明をめぐるこれからの学術のありようについて理解を深める.

To deepen understanding of the future perspectives of academics related to global environmental issues, environmental management, and global civilization.
Schedule and Contents 特別講義:

Special lectures:
Attend the special lectures given by researchers, experts, and professionals working on environmental issues, and discuss the future perspectives of academics related to global environmental issues, environmental management, and global civilization.
This class is compulsory and consists of 6 special lectures (English) and 1 feedback in the 1st semester. Seminars will be done in online classes.

実施日時 Date:5月20日(金) May 20 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
講師氏名・所属等 Name, Affiliation: Brendan Barrett(大阪大学 COデザインセンター特任教授 Specially appointed prof. Center for the Study of Co*Design, Osaka University)
講義タイトル The title of lecture: The impact of oil depletion on cities and their environmental management
実施日時:5月27日(金) May 27 (Fri) 15:00-17:00
講師氏名・所属等:Pami Aalto(Prof. Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University)
実施日時:6月10日(金)June 10 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
講師氏名・所属等:江守 正多 (Seita EMORI国立環境研究所 地球システム領域 副領域長,東京大学総合文化研究科客員教授 Deputy Director,Earth System Division,National Institute for Environmental Studies, Visiting Professor,Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Tokyo University )
講義タイトル:Climate Change - Scientific and Social Issues(仮題 tentative )
実施日時:6月24日(金)June 24 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
講師氏名・所属等:Daphne Ngar-yin Mah ( Assoc. Prof. Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University )
講義タイトル:Energy transitions with and for renewables in Asia: Lessons learnt from community renewable initiatives in Hong Kong, Seoul, and Kyoto
実施日時:7月1日(金)July 1 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
講師氏名・所属等:保高 徹生 Tetsuo YASUTAKA(産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター 研究グループ長 Research group leader, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology )
Theory and practice of environmental risk assessment and management: case studies of soil contamination, nuclear disaster, and COVID-19
実施日時:7月15日(金)July 15 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
講師氏名・所属等:九鬼 康彰 Yasuaki KUKI (岡山大学 学術研究院環境生命科学学域教授 Prof. Graduate School of Environmental and life Science, Okayama University )
講義タイトル:野生動物との摩擦と共生(仮)Conflict and co-existence with wildlife in Japan (tentative)
実施日時:7月22日(金) July 22 (Fri) 13:15-15:15
On-line feedback time for students
Evaluation Methods and Policy 単位の認定は、6回の特別講義のうち、5回以上出席し、期限内にレポートを提出した者を対象とする。


To pass the course students are required to attend a minimum of 5 lectures and submit reports for each by the deadline.
There might be some additional lectures in the 2nd semester for students who fail to attend the minimum number of 5 lectures. In this case, credits for the course will be given at the end of the 2nd semester. Note that if you don’t attend at least 5 lectures you must start over again and attend at least 5 lectures in the following academic year.
Attendance (50%) and submission of reports about the lecture (50%) are evaluated. The students are required to include the results of their own investigation on the discussed topics in the report.
You must write a report on each lecture. Each report should have a length equivalent to one A4 page in Pdf format. In addition, you also need to make a cover letter (downloadable from KULASIS) to attach to the report. Submit the report to the PandA site, by 17:00 on the due date, which is one week after the date of the lecture. If you fail to submit the paper, the report is insufficient, or the report is submitted without attendance, points will not be granted. If the due date falls on a holiday, the report will be due on the following weekday. The topic of the report will be given in each class (if not, the topic is as you like, but must be related to the content of each seminar). The title of the report is free. The language is Japanese or English.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 講演内容に関する情報の整理を行うとより理解が深まるので毎回復習をすること.
To collect the information about lectures make you understand deeply.
Textbooks Textbooks/References なし.

References, etc. 授業時に述べる.

To be announced at the class.