Global Environmental Economics

Numbering Code G-GES32 53287 LB17 Year/Term 2022 ・ The first half of first semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period Thu.3
Instructor name MORI AKIHISA (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course  This course aim at understanding enabling factors for and barriers to achieving sustainable development goals such as carbon neutrality, and acknowledge analytical frameworks for sustainability transitions research.

Course Goals 1) Acknowledge why we should understand and analyze sustainability transitions

2) Master how to conduct a case study of sustainability transitions
Schedule and Contents  A series of lectures is given on several aspects on sustainability transitions step by step. Students will organize groups to conduct a case study analyze of the topic of their choices, analyzing each aspect of transitions using the analytical frameworks given in the lectures. They are to present results of case studies at the last class.


Contents/ 授業内容
1. Sustainability transition: An introduction and illustrations/ 持続性移行:概説と実例
2. Visioning sustainable future/ 持続可能な未来図を描く
3. Understanding sustainability transition and backcasting scenario analysis/ 持続性移行とバックキャスティングシナリオ分析を理解する
4. Governing transition/ 移行のガバナンス
5. Incumbents/ 既存のレジームアクターの対応
6. Geopolitics and geoeconomics of sustainability transitions/ 持続性移行の地政学・地経学
7. Team Building and group works/ チーム編成とグループワーク
8. Group/individual presentation/ グループ発表

Check the information on KULASIS and PandA as lessons might be held online.
Evaluation Methods and Policy  Evaluation is made based on (group) presentation (50%) and (group) writing assignment (50%). Students get qualification for evaluation when they play meaningful role in the presentation and submit the writing assignments by the deadline in a designated manner. Active participation in the class is positively counted on.
Achievement level is assessed by GSGES's criteria.

Course Requirements  It is desirable to take or have taken the lecture on the “Global environmental policy and economics” given at the GES or (undergraduate level of) lecture(s) on environmental economics, environmental policy, environmental sociology in other schools or universities.

Study outside of Class (preparation and review)  Students are required to obtain google accounts in advance so that they can do group works on the google workspace. Group works shall be conducted weekdays between the class.
 google workspace を用いてグループワークを行うため,事前のgoogle account取得が必須である.グループワークは平日の授業外時間にも進めることが求められる.
References, etc. Sustainability in Transition: Principles for Developing Solutions,, Gliedt, T., Larson, K. , (Routledge, 2018), ISBN:978-1138690134, Elaborate on several issues on sustainability transitions/ 持続可能性移行の様々な側面を比較的平易に解説
China’s Carbon-Energy Policy and Asia’s Energy Transitions: Carbon Leakage, Relocation and Halos, Mori, A. (ed.), (Routledge, 2022), ISBN:978-1032041803, Provide an analytical framework for a transition in electricity system and spatial impacts
An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions, Kohler, J. et al., (Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 31, 2019), ISBN:, Acknowledge research frontier of major agenda in sustainability transitions research
How do incumbent companies’ heterogeneous responses affect sustainability transitions?, Mori, A., (Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 39, 2021)), ISBN:, Acknowledge an analytical framework of the responses of incumbents