Sustainable Rural Development

Numbering Code G-GES32 53284 LE17 Year/Term 2022 ・ The first half of first semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Thu.1
Instructor name HOSHINO SATOSHI (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Professor)
ONITSUKA KENICHIROU (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Associate Professor)
Midori Aoyanagi (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 本講義の目的は、ルーラル・サステナビリティの概念とその確立・向上に資する農村計画学的な接近方法を習得させることにある。
Objective of this lecture is to understand 1) the concept of rural sustainability and 2) how rural planning can contribute to maintain and/or improve the sustainability of rural areas.

Rural areas provide various benefits, known as multifunctionality of agriculture, as well as agricultural produce to the people. However, ongoing trend of depopulation and aging, combined with rapid globalization of the world economy, has been impairing functions and sustainability of those areas. In this lecture, paying special attention to the efforts put in place at the scale of local governments and communities in rural areas, we learn basic design principles to achieve rural sustainability.
Course Goals 農村持続性の観点から農村地域の課題を抽出する能力を習得する。
The goal of this lecture is to develop the ability to extract rural problems from the viewpoint of rural sustainability.
Schedule and Contents 第1回 ルーラル・サステナビリティと農村計画学 (1) 星野
第2回 ルーラル・サステナビリティと農村計画学 (2) 星野
第3回 集落行事とルーラル・サステナビリティ    星野
第4回 ゲストによる特別講義             星野
第5回 ルーラル・サステナビリティと地域力の向上(1) 木村
第6回 ルーラル・サステナビリティと地域力の向上(2) 木村
第7回 農村地域の水不足に対する地域的対応      木村
第8回 授業の振り返り              星野・木村

1. Rural Sustainability and Rural Planning (1) Hoshino
2. Rural Sustainability and Rural Planning (2) Hoshino
3. Community Events and Rural sustainability Hoshino
4. Special lecture by a guest professor Hoshino
5. Local Empowerment and Rural Sustainability (1) Kimura
6. Local Empowerment and Rural Sustainability (2) Kimura
7. Community-based adaptation to water scarcity in rural areas Kimura
8. Recapitulation of the previous lectures Hoshino & Kimura
Evaluation Methods and Policy 平常点(50%)とレポート(50%)により評価する。到達目標について、地球環境学舎の成績評価基準に従って評価する。
All students are required to submit reports during the course. Topic of the report will be provided in the lecture. The evaluation is made by serious attitude towards the lectures(50%) and reports(50%). We evaluate your mark according to the evaluation standard of GSGES.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 講義内容の丁寧な復習が特に求められる。疑問があれば,教員に積極的に質問すること。
Careful reviews of the lectures are particularly required. If you have a question, please ask without hesitation.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 特に指定しない。授業中にプリントを配布する
Printed materials to be used in class will be distributed in each class.
References, etc. 授業中に紹介する
The reference materials are introduced during class.