Environmental Ethics and Environmental Education

Numbering Code G-GES32 53104 LE14 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Tue.5
Instructor name ASARI MISUZU (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Associate Professor)
BAARS, ROGER CLOUD (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Senior Lecturer)
TRENCHER, Gregory (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 倫理的手法と教育活動は、特に多様なステークホルダーの合意形成や、学生や市民を持続可能な将来に向けた変革者に変えていくような場面において、環境問題の解決に欠かせない。この講義では、人類活動と環境問題の関係性を理解する上で示唆を与える理論および事例を通じて環境倫理の基本を学ぶ。同時に、環境、開発、気候変動及び資源循環・廃棄物管理を含む持続可能性教育について紹介する。講義、ケーススタディ、フィールドワーク、大学におけるキャンパスサステイナビリティ活動への参画、グループワークや発表を通じて、理解や実践力を高めることを目的とする

Ethical approaches and educational activities are essential for solving environmental problems, especially to facilitate consensus building among conflicting stakeholders and to transform students and citizens into change agents for a sustainable future. This course covers prominent schools of thought and intriguing case studies in the field of environmental ethics that are useful for understanding human and nature conflicts. It also introduces education for sustainability, including education about the environment, development, climate change, material cycle and waste management. Through lectures, case studies, fieldwork, participation in campus sustainability activities, in-class exercises and presentations students will improve their understanding and practical competencies.
Course Goals -倫理的・実践的手法の関係性に気づくと同時に理解を深めること

-To realize and deepen understanding on the linkage between theoretical and practical approaches in the field, to gain communication and presentation skills, to understand how to model and lead advocacy campaigns for transformational change for sustainability.

Achievement level is assessed by GSGES's criteria.
Schedule and Contents Introduction Week 1: Overview, introduction and evolution of concepts

Part I Environmental ethics overview
1: Introduction to Environmental Ethics (Baars)
2: Ecology and Environmentalism (Baars)
3: Environmental Justice (Baars)
4: Development and the Environment (Baars)

Part II Environmental ethics case studies
5: Geoengineering and climate change (Trencher)
6: Environmental, health and ethical arguments for dietary alternatives (Trencher)
7: GMOs and pesticides in agriculture (Trencher)
8: Scientific worldviews for global sustainability: (Trencher)

Part III Environmental ethics case studies
9: Introduction to education for sustainability(Asari)
10: Waste management and SDGs related education (Asari)
11: Sustainable campus fieldwork (Asari)
12: Sustainability communication and advocacy (Asari)
13: Presentations 1 (Asari)
14: Presentations 2 (Asari)
15: Feedback(Baars & Asari & Trencher)

Check the information on KULASIS and PandA as lessons might be held online.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 次の配分で、率先的な議論やグループワークへの参加、課題、キャンパス活動、グループ発表により総合的に評価する。

Proactive participation in class discussion and group exercises, class assignments, campus activities, and group presentations.
・Mini test/report: 30%
・Proactive participation: 10%
・Assignments/ reports: 30%
・Presentation: 30%

Achievement level is assessed by GSGES's criteria.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 環境問題やSDGsについて、国連の公式サイトレベルの最新の基礎情報を半日程度かけて入手しておくことを義務づける。

Getting basic information about latest environmental and SDGs related issues through official information source like UN with half a day will be
Textbooks Textbooks/References Environmental Ethics: An Anthology, A. Light and H. Rolston III, (Blackwell Publishing), *recommended reading
Ecological Literacy: Educating our Children for a Sustainable World, D.W. Orr, (Sierra Club Books), *recommended reading
Education and Climate Change: Living and Learning in Interesting Times, Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby, (Routledge), *recommended reading
Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change (Urban and Industrial Environments), Peggy F. Barlett and Geoffrey W. Chase, (The MIT Press), *recommended reading
Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere, Robert Cox, (SAGE Publications), *recommended reading
The Sustainable University: Progress and prospects, Stephen Sterling, (Routledge in Sustainable Development), *recommended reading
* Required readings will be distributed in class.
References, etc. ESD Toolkit: Web resources [http://www.esdtoolkit.org/resources/web_ esd.htm]
Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges, Strategies and Practices in a Globalizing World, Anastasia Nikolopoulou, Taisha Abraham, Farid Mirbagheri, (SAGE Publications)