
Numbering Code G-ENE04 76404 LJ28
G-ENE04 76404 LJ72
Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Doctoral students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Mon.2
Instructor name SHIRAI YASUYUKI (Graduate School of Energy Science Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This subject is an introduction in the field of electric power systems, including energy conversion systems. Electric power system is one of the important energy infrastructure of society. It is essential to learn fundamentals of power systems for any students interested in energy science and technology. The subject deals with basic component of power systems and their control systems, and also innovative power equipment. Frequency, voltage control of power systems and system stability are described.
Course Goals This subject will be useful to students who pursue careers or research in electric power systems and electric energy apparatus.
Schedule and Contents 1:generation system(hydro power, thermal power, nuclear power generation etc.)
2:transmission and distribution system(transmission line, transformer etc.)
3:power flow analysis
4:frequency control 1/2
5:frequency control 2/2
6:voltage control 1/2
7:voltage control 2/2
8:power system stability(steady state)
9:power system stability(transient state)
10:power system stability(voltage stability)
11:FACTs device
12:innovative energy devices
13:power system operation strategy
14:smart grid
15:electricity deregulation
Evaluation Methods and Policy several short reports (7-8 times) (40%) and a long report (40%).
class participation (20%).

A+: outstanding
A : excellent
B : good
C : average
D : fair
E : poor
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) make a preliminary investigation on the contents of distributed documents.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Documents distributed in class.