International Collaborative Studies II(Basic)

Numbering Code G-EDU13 56011 SE47
G-EDU13 56011 SE46
Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits Course Type topics seminar
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name Jeremy Rappleye (Graduate School of Education Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The purpose of this course is to provide students with one way of ‘reading the global’ (Cowen, 2009), a fundamental prerequisite for becoming a globally-aware scholar. All too often, students seek to understand the world without any wider framework of understanding. They often ‘study abroad’ to master a foreign language, interact with foreign colleagues, and/or experience various aspects of life in different countries. The problem is that contemplation of the wider ‘kosmos’ (Cowen, 1996) remains unexamined; what is brought home are fragments that are simply pieced back into domestic mosaics. Students have international experience, but they remain unable to locate themselves internationally. That is, without attention to reformulating this wider global view, research and thinking inevitably remain confined to national concerns, an unfortunate condition that many social science scholars now critically refer to as ‘methodological nationalism’ (Beck, 1997).

Towards that end, this course aims to highlight how the modern world came into being, offering a view of common processes that unfolded worldwide. But, as opposed to so much mainstream theory that starts from the European experience, the course will a focus on the experience of the non-Western world (the majority of places worldwide). Specifically, it traces the movement of Western philosophies and ideas (e.g., Christian thought), social structures (e.g., capitalist economic models and institutions), and educational practices (e.g., schools and pedagogical approaches) as these encountered, reformed, and eventually displaced pre-modern ideas. The history of Hawaii provides an ideal microcosm - in the context of an intensive course such as this - of the process, with the short-time span (19th to 20th centuries) and compressed geographical space allow us to envisage how and why change occurred.
Course Goals The goals of this course are three. First, students will acquire a systematic introduction to one possible way to ‘read the global’. This conceptualization will encompass philosophical, historical, and sociological dimensions, with a constant focus on the way education functioned within a wider historical process. As such, it is suitable for students across all disciplines of educational studies, i.e., philosophy of education, history of education, educational sociology, and comparative education among others. In this process, students will learn much about Hawai’i, although it should be understood that the purpose is less to learn ‘about Hawaii’ than to learn about the wider world through the Hawaiian example. Second, students will begin to develop advanced skills in discussion and debate on education related topics: each of classes will require active, focused discussion. Third, Japanese students will have a chance to interact with faculty and students at the University of Hawai’i, gaining some understanding of differences in how educational research is conducted outside of Japan. We will have two guest speakers from the University of Hawai’I, in addition to the co-teacher of Professor Brent Edwards (UH College of Education).
Schedule and Contents The class is roughly structured along historical lines, although the content of each historical period will encompass philosophical, sociological, and political dimensions:

I. Introduction: How to 'Read the Global'? (1 class)
II. Hawaii - Pre-Contact Period: pre-1778 (3 classes)
III. Hawaii - Independence Period: 1778-1896 (3 classes)
IV. Hawaii - Territorial Period: 1896-1959 (5-6 classes)
V. Hawaii - Statehood Period: Modernity, 'Voice', and Global Politics (3 classes)
VI. Reading the Global Redux: Conclusion, Evaluations, Wrap-up (1-2 classes)
Evaluation Methods and Policy Classes will take the form of interactive lecture. Students will be asked to actively give their opinions, reflect on their own experiences, and ask good questions. Grading will be heavily weighted towards attendance and participation. Class Participation will account for 45% of the grade (15 full classes x 3 points). Twice during this course, each student will write a 1-2 page (single spaced) Reflection Paper and/or provide a 10 minute presentation that will account for 10% of the total course grade. In these activities, students will provide their personal opinion on one of the ideas studied in the course (2 times x 5 points). There will be a Final Paper accounting for the remaining 45% of the grade (35 points). Please note that the grading and final evaluation requirements will be different, depending on the students' level (i.e., Masters and PhD students may have different evaluations). なお、評価にあたっては、到達目標に照らし、教育学研究科の評価方針に従って評価する:出席状況、小テスト、小レポート、授業内での発言等)
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) This course requires advanced preparation. Students should be prepared to closely read all materials prior to arrival in Hawaii. The course is too intense to try to read all materials in Hawaii.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Students need not purchase any course materials: all readings will be provided (photocopies or PDF packets) about 6-8 weeks prior to the beginning of the class (mid-late December). Additional materials will come from the internet (YouTube, etc.) and popular media. Note that some materials might be quite difficult. Don’t be afraid to ask questions during the class to help clarify and broaden your understanding. We have provided a basic timeline at the front of the reading packet. Please refer to this, as the class is organized as a historical narrative.